All people possess an inner sense of right and wrong.
Moral Argument
Term for the belief in many gods
Name the characteristic of God being a person: God has thoughts.
He has a mind.
What is the term for that God is three Persons in one God?
The term that God is without a beginning or an end.
He is eternal.
Term for the universe that exists has a perfect design and order.
Teleological Argument
Term for the belief in one God
Name the characteristic of God being a person: God makes choices and decisions.
God has a will.
At Jesus baptism, who spoke from heaven and said that this is my beloved Son.
God the Father.
The term that God is unchanging.
God is immutable.
Term for everything that exists or happens has a cause.
Cosmological Argument
What does the Bible call anything we worship other than God.
an idol
Name the characteristic of God being a person: God has perfect knowledge of good and evil.
God is perfectly moral.
At Jesus baptism, who came upon Jesus as a dove.
The Holy Spirit
The term that God is all powerful.
God is omnipotent.
All thought there is plenty of evidence for the existence of God, how are we to approach God?
By faith. (Hebrews 11:6 "without faith is is impossible to please God.)
God is perfectly good with no sin, no wrong doing, no impurities. Name the characteristic of God.
God is holy.
Name the characteristic of God being a person: God has feelings.
God has emotions.
Who is the Son of God.
Jesus Christ
The term for God being all knowing.
God is omniscient.
Term for the account that information is only from a mental source.
Law of Information
God hates sin and must punish sin. Name the characteristic of God.
God is just.
God chose that the Messiah would come through the line of which king of Israel
King David
Name the three Persons of God.
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit
The term that God is everywhere.
God is omnipresent.