Petition, Press, Speech, Religion, Assembly.
Define the U.S. government in three words:
Constitutional, Democratic, Republic.
The Legislative Branch.
This amendment states that undeclared powers are held by the states and localities.
10th Amendment.
This amendment protects against search and seizure.
4th Amendment?
Name the three branches of government.
Legislative, Executive, Judicial.
This position has Veto power over laws and bills.
The President.
This amendment protects you from soldiers living in your home rent free!
3rd Amendment.
Unlisted rights are still protected by this amendment.
9th Amendment?
What are the the heads of the three branches of government?
President, Congress, Supreme Court.
What branch determines if laws are constitutional.
This amendment protects your due process and prohibits double jeopardy.
5th Amendment.
In any case involving a civil suit ( lawsuit between two persons or groups) the defendant has the right to trial by jury if the amount in question is over 20 dollars.
What is the 7th Amendment?
Under federalism, what are the three levels of government from most powerful to least?
Federal, state, locality.
What is it called when a law is made unconstitutional?
Judicial Review.
This amendment ensures the right to council, an impartial jury, and a speedy trial.
6th Amendment.
Finish the sentence: "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor ______________________________."
"...cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
How do "checks and balances" protect the American people.
Keep one branch from becoming too powerful.
This branch controls the institutions within the U.S.
The President.