1st Amendment
4th Amendment
5th Amendment
6th Amendment
8th Amendment
What are the individual rights protected by the first amendment?
What is freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom of petition, and freedom of assembly?
What does the fourth amendment protect you from?
What is unreasonable searches and seizures.
What does the Fifth Amendment protect you from?
What is several rights of an accused person.
What are the sixth amendment rights?
What is it requires that persons be clearly told what the charges are against them are, covers trials, and an accused person has their Miranda Rights.

What is the definition of bail?

What is bail is a sum of money used as a security deposit to ensure person who is released from jail returns for his or her trail.

Who proposed the Bill of Rights?
What is James Madison?
What can law enforcement officers do with a search warrant?
What is it allows officers to search a suspect's home, buisness, or other property and take certain items as evidence. But only the items listed in the warrant can be taken.
What does self-incrimination mean?
What is giving evidence about yourself that could lead to you being found guilty of a crime.
What are the two trials that the defendant can choose from?
What is trial by jury and tried by a judge
What amendment outlaws cruel and unusual punishments?
What is the 8th amendment.
What two ways does the first amendment protect freedom of religion?
What is congress cannot establish any official religion of the United States and how people express their faith.
How is a search warrant related to probable cause?
What is you must have probable cause and evidence to get the judge to issue a search warrant
What kind of protections does the Fifth Amendment state?
What is it states that no one can be tried for a serious crime without an indictment, people cannot be put on trial more than once for the same crime, an accused person has the right to remain silent, no one may be denied life, liberty, or property without "due process of law", and property rights.
Why is the right to a speedy trial important?
What is it is important because it can not be detained for an unreasonably lengthy amount of time and that evidence and witnesses will not be tampered with.

What happens if the accused pays the bail, but fails to show to trial?

What is the accused loses the money?

What is the relationship between freedom of speech and freedom of the press?
What is freedom of speech is where we can state our opinions, in public or in private, without the fear of being punished by the government. Freedom of press is where you can broadcast or publish your opinion about the government or other things without being punished.
Daniella is accused of a robbery and the police had enough evidence, but they did not get a search warrant. When they approached her door, they forcefully entered without a search warrant. They took evidence to use against her in the case. What happens to the evidence if they do not have a search warrant?
What is it gets thrown out and cannot be used in a trial.
On the way home from school, I stopped at the mall to buy a video game. As I was leaving the store, I was approached by a mall security guard. He noticed my book bag and began to question me about a CD that had been reported stolen. I asked to callmy mom, but he said no and continued to question. Can I refuse to answer his questions? Why
What is yes you can because you have the right to remain silent and you don't have to self-incriminate yourself.
I was accused of stealing my neighbor's bycycle. A trial date has been set for next month, and I was told to get my own lawyer. My parents can't afford a lawyer for me. Will I have to appear in court without a lawyer if I can't afford one?
What is no because you have the right to have a lawyer and if you cannot afford a lawyer, one must be provided to you by the government.
On the way home from school my friend steals a candy bar from the candy shop. As he leaves the store, he is caught by a police officer and arrested. At his trial the judge says, "You are not the first person to steal from this store. I want this to stop so I am fining $10,000." Can the judge do this?
What is no because it is excessive bail
What would happen if the first amendment was not created? (Answer must be on point )
Responses may vary.
My neighbor had his bike stolen from his front porch and reported the incident to the police. Later that night, a police officer knocked on our door demanding to search our house for the missing bike. Do we have to allow the search? (EXPLAIN)
What is no because... (answer must be on point)
According to the fifth amendment what is the function of a grand jury?
What is a grand jury is a group of people that are selected and sworn in by a court, just like jurors that are chosen to serve on a trial jury.
Sara was arrested. She is an eighteen-year old college student, is for stealing a classmate’s term paper and selling it on the Internet. When she appears before the judge, she asks for a lawyer to help defend her. The judge tells her if she is smart enough to be in college, she is smart enough to defend herself. Besides, she is not being charged with a felony, so the stakes are not very high. Can the judge do this?
What is no because having a lawyer is part of the Miranda Rights
Carolyn is arrested for shoplifting a candy bar from a neighborhood convenience store. At trial, she is found guilty. The judge decides that the appropriate punishment is to cut off Carolyn’s hands so that she will not be able to shoplift again. Is the judge allowed to do this?
What is no because that is unfair punishment and is forbidden by the eighth amendment