what is the item that makes Isaac shot a blud laser.
What quality is sad onion.
qulality 3
Who is the second character on the character select screen?
What boss will you always fight on depths 2
True or false brimstone is unlocked at the beginning of the game.
What i d number is sad onion.
What quality is crickets head
Quality 4
What character do you unlock for beating in Mega Satan?
After beating Mom’s heart 10 times what boss replaces it
It lives
Who created the binding of Isaac?
Edmund McMillan
What item can give you any item in the game.
death certificat.
What quality is skeleton key?
How do you unlock the keeper.
Get 1000 coins in the greed donation machine
True or false there’s a boss named Loki
What is the name of the binding of Isaac board game?
The Binding of Isaac four souls
What does eternal D6 do?
Re-rolls items with a 25% chance to delete them
What quality cursed eye?
Quality 0
How much damage does Isaac start with?
What time do you have to kill mom’s heart to fight hush.
30 minutes
What boss has an extremely low chance to be blown up when it dies
Baby plum
What are all of the effects of sacred heart
+1 hp 2.3x damage multiplier +1 damage -0.4 tears -0.25 shot speed full health and homing.
What quality were void an abyss before repentance plus and what quality are they now?
Before quality 4 now quality3
When tainted Isaac has birthright how many items can he hold?
What five bosses do you fight on the home floor?
Dogma, ultra war, ultra pestilence, ultra famine, ultra death, the beast
How many endings are there