This character is the "I" character in this first-person novel.
When a truck arrives at the beginning of the book, Amadou and Seydou expect it will contain more boys to work the farm. Instead, who arrives?
Khadija, the first girl to arrive at camp.
The events in The Bitter Side of Sweet take place on which coast of the continent of Africa?
"I take a moment to wipe the sweat off my forehead." This sentence shows that The Bitter Side of Sweet is written in which of the following: first, second, or third person narration?
First person narration.
"I count the things that matter."
This character is compared to a cricket.
When their first escape attempt doesn't pan out, what does Amadou do to distract the bosses so he can break Khadija out of the shed?
He sets their house on fire.
Amadou and Seydou were trafficked from what African country?
"This is a trick I learned when I was little, from my grandfather.
Oh, Amadou, he had said, you get angry so easily. Just like I did at your age."
This passage is an example of what literary device?
"Mama is a journalist in Abidjan. I grew up in the city and I go to the international school there."
This character is called "the wildcat."
How do the three kids get into the big truck loaded with cacao sacks traveling from the weigh station in Daloa to the port?
They jump out of a tree.
Amadou, Seydou, Khadija, and the rest of the boys were forced to work on a farm in which African country?
Cote d'Ivoire / the Ivory Coast
"I start to shrug, then think better of it when my back screams from the tiny movement." This sentence is an example of what literary device?
"I'm not going to leave them here, Amadou. We can't leave them here!"
This is the name of the boss who "takes care" of Seydou when he gets hurt.
True or False: At the end of the book, Amadou and Seydou end up safe at a fair trade cocoa farm that doesn't employ child workers.
False. Amadou works there! Abdoulaye, the boss, knows he's too young and lets him work there anyway.
At the end of the book, Khadija and her mother manage to escape the Ivory Coast and emigrate to this European country.
"The growing groves and the wild bush beyond them stretch like a green sea in every direction." This sentence is an example of what literary device?
A simile
"These beans were grown on a farm that I know not far from here where no children worked without pay to grow it, but I can still see why you wouldn't want it."
Mrs. Kablan, Khadija's mom
This character is a journalist, writing an article on child slavery in cocoa production.
Mrs. Kablan, Khadija's mother
When the bad guys break into Khadija's mom's house, where do they get the Jeep to escape?
The Newspaper headquarters, where she works.
This port city is where cocoa is shipped out of the Ivory Coast to other countries for processing. It is also where Khadija's mother is living when the kids find her.
San Pédro
"She leans in until her thunder and lightning eyes fill my vision." This sentence is an example of what literary device?
A metaphor.
"Were you working on the farm I collected cacao from today?"
Oumar, the pisteur.