What are 4 things bones do?
Protect, Move, Give your body form, and Create blood cells
Does every one have abs?
Yes, they are just hidden under fat
where does digestion begin?
In the mouth
Through what tube does air enter your lungs?
The wind pipe
What does the heart do?
Pump blood through out your body?
What bone when broken is also known as a skaters accident?
The radius
what is the name for the muscles on your neck?
what is the motion of food being gently messaged down your esophagus?
What tubes look like tree branches?
The bronchiole tubes
How many chambers are there in the heart and what are their names?
2, the Atria and the ventricles
What bone is usually used to identify a dead body?
The pelvis
What is the name of the large muscle on the front of your thigh?
What does the Liver do?
Removes toxins from your body
where is the Alveoli located at?
On the ends of the bronchiole tubes
How many gallons of blood can your heart pump in a day?
2000 gallons
How many bones are in your ear?
what are the muscles on your chest called?
How long is your small intestine?
30 feet
what does the alveoli do?
Adds oxygen to your blood cells
What causes the beating sound in the heart?
The opening and closing of it's valves
How many vertebrae are in your spine?
what muscle is on the back portion of your lower leg?
The Calf
In what chamber are enzymes added to further break down your food?
What is the organ that filters out the air?
The lungs
Why is laughing good for your heart?
It reduces stress and can help your immune system