This joint can be difficult to pronounce in english. Hint: it is often confused with doll.
The wrist
This organ is responsible for thinking and making decisions
The brain
What body part is shown?
the neck (or shoulder)
You smile with this part of your body
your mouth/lips
Many older people have difficulty with this joint and have to have it surgically replaced to be able to walk better.
The knee
This organ is responsible for moving blood throughout the body.
The heart
This body has many uses, for example you use them when you give someone a hug.
Your arms
This body part connects the leg and foot
The ankle
Fill in the blank with a joint:
Last week I hurt my ____________ when I was running so I have an appointment with the physio tomorrow.
Knee OR ankle
People who smoke cigarettes are ruining their __________.
This body part takes food from your mouth to your stomach
the throat
This body part sits on top of your neck and shoulders
Your head
You might use this joint when you're in a crowd and you want people to get out of your way.
Your elbows
Sometimes this organ is called the second brain because of how it reflects your emotions. For example when you are anxious you have problems with this organ.
The stomach
Please don't turn your _________ on me, I need you!
These bones expand and contract when you breathe
The ribs
In english there is a saying for when you are angry at someone and/or don't want to talk to them: You give him the cold ______________.
What is the heaviest organ in the body?
The skin
When someone has a heart attack they often have pain in their ____________.
In english when we are scared we say that we get chills up our _____________. Hint: this body is made of bones