What is Jaundice?
Jaundice is a condition where the body has too much bilirubin.
is Crohn a disease?
it is a disease.
what does Acid reflux do?
Acid reflux is that acid from the stomach gets into the food and squeezed down you're esophagus.
what does lungs do
it helps you live and when you breath you bring oxygen to your lungs
does the heart pump blood?
yes it keeps you living.
What does Laryngitis do to the human body?
Laryngitis happens when you're vocal cord become swollen.
what does Ulcer do?
Ulcer are break's or tear in the lining of the intestine.
what does Celiac disease do to the body?
Celiac disease is when someone cant digest gluten.
what do lobe's have?
Lobe's have series of branches inside that look's like a tree.
How much time's does you're heart pump?
You're heart pump's 115,000 time's each day.
is diabetes a disease yes but what does it do?
it affects how the body uses sugar.
What is Crohn's disease?
Crohn's disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that becomes inflamed.
what is the job of the Large intestine?
the job of the Large intestine is to take any remaining water out of the left over food.
what is the lungs?
it is some thig that helps you live.
how do we get food poisoning
bye eating not cook food,by eating food that has baceria
name 3 things that can tell you if you have Crohn's disease
a fever, red sore eye's joint pain
what does the pancreas do?
it help's regulate the the sugar level in our blood.
why do we need the lung
we need it to live and the hart cant keep you living with out it
name 3 disease's
Crohn, jaundice, celiac
crohn what does it effect the body?
it does not effect eny thing it is a inflammatory
what does the liver do?
the liver send's bile, which is the waste leftover after the liver cleans our blood.
what does the lung's do to help human's live?
Our lung's that get oxygen from the air around us into our our body