Key Quotes
Distinctive Features

Subhi finds this treasure washed up by the night sea in Chapter 1

What is a sheashell?


Seen as a father figure to Subhi

Who is Harvey?


Subhi and Jimmy share one substantial thing in common.

What is the absence of a parent?


This technique is used in the following quote: "Someday it whispers. And the sound of the whisper is as brilliant as a thousand stars being born."

What is imagery (simile)?

(Bonus points for contrast or juxtaposition of "whisper" and the hyperbole of "as brilliant as a thousand stars being born."


This narrative feature creates a sense of intimacy or connection between the character and the reader.

What is 1st person narrative voice?

Traditionally considered a bad omen and symbolising death, Subhi finds this on his pillow

What is a sparrow?


Dismissive of Subhi's imaginative perspective on life, this person is well aware of the hardships facing the refugees

Who is Queeny?


This person described behaviour suggests that they might be depressed as they are not eating, not interacting with others and sleeping all day.

Who is Maa?


This technique is used in the following quote from chapter 10 "All we see are beautiful lights that dance across the sky. People come from all over just to see those lights dance...Someday, Subhi, you and me, we'll go see those lights boogie through the dark, yeah?"

What is a motif?

(Bonus points: the repetition of lights are the hopes and dreams of Eli and Subhim yearning for freedom.)


This narrative feature creates a sense of distance or separation between the character and the reader.

What is 3rd person narrative voice?


Eli is moved to this part of the camp in Chapter 10

What is Alpha?


Gives Subhi a pebble for his birthday

Who is Nasir?


Something Jimmy brings Subhi when she visits.

What is hot chocolate?


This technique is used in the quote from Chapter 11: "Watching her go, something in my chest explodes. Now there is a tightness in there that I can't shake, no matter how many breaths I suck in, and an exciting rush in my legs, tingling through my toes. I wonder when she'll come back, Jimmie."

What is metaphor/imagery?

(Bonus points: The tactile imagery of physical sensations experienced by Subhi suggests the powerful connection they have forged from their brief encounter.)


This narrative technique is used to relate the experiences of Mirka, Anka and Oto.

What is a nested narrative (story within a story)?


Oto pulls the baby Anka from inside this 

What is a well?


The two wisest and oldest people in Oto's village 

Who are Guntis and Mirka?


This character stops looking forward and refers to Subhi and the others as "dead rats they leave out to stop other rats from coming."

Who is Queenie?


This technique is used in the quote from Chapter 31: "Eli told me his brother dying made his heart bleed so hard that the ache never went away."

What is imagery / hyperbole?

(Bonus points: the hyperbolic imagery of Eli's pain at his brother's tragic death highlights the lasting, and overwhelming pain caused by the death of a family member. This sadly foreshadows the enduring pain that will be felt by Subhi after the death of Eli) 


Established in the opening sentences: "Sometimes at night the dirt outside turns into a beautiful ocean. As red as the sun, as deep as the sky."

What is a motif (symbolism)?


Queeny and Eli show Subhi this item in secret

What is a camera?


Connecting Jimmie's and Subhi's family, this one legged healer from Subhi's family helps Oto find his way to Anka.

Who is Ilya?


This character's meanness picks it moments.

Extra points if you can explain how this is described in the book. 

Who is Beaver?


This technique is used in the following quote: "'Look Subhi,' Queeny says. She points way out to where the land ends and the sky begins. 'It's the sea.'

What is a motif?

(Bonus points: Queeny acknowledging the sea's existence represents her newfound hope for the future, as they are able, as a family, to move on from their life of incarceration.)


Why do you think Eli changes once he moves to Alpha Camp?

Open responses
