Who's Who in the Book of Alma
The People
The Places
The Teachings
A.S.K. Alma

A reformed detractor of the church named after his father.  The longest book in the Book of Mormon is also named after him.  (Alma 1)

Who is Alma (the younger)


The name the converted Lamanites called themselves to distinguish themselves from the other Lamanites. (Alma 23)

What is Anti-Nephi-Lehies?


The name of the land the Nephites gifted the Anti-Nephi-Lehies.  (Alma 27)

What is Jershon?


When preaching to the people of Zarahemla, Alma asked, “Have ye experienced this mighty _________ __   ___    ___________?” (Alma 5)

What is “change in your hearts?”


Alma applied this principle of Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge to gain his testimony as described in Alma 5:45-46?

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The son of Mosiah who preached the gospel to Lamoni's father in the land of Nephi. (Alma 22)

Who is Aaron?


A group of apostate Nephites whose worship involved the Rameumptom. (Alma 31)

Who are the Zoramites?


Zeezrom and other believers went to this city after they were stoned and cast out of Ammonihah. (Alma 15)

What is Sidon?


Amulek tells the Zoramites that there must be an atonement made which would be an “_______ and _________ _________________.”  (Alma 34)

What is infinite and  eternal sacrifice?


Zeezrom applies this principle of Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge to be healed of his fever. (Alma 15)

What is Act in Faith?


A lawyer who tried to bribe Amulek to deny the existence of God.  He later converted and joined the church. . (Alma 11)

Who is Zeezrom?


A group of people who tried to overthrow the government and make their leader king during the 5th year of the reign of judges  (Alma 2)

Who are the Amlicites?


The name of the land inhabited by the Zoramites. (Alma 31)

What is Antionum?


Alma stated that Christ would “ go forth suffering _____ and __________ and _____________ of every kind. (Alma 7)

What are pains, afflictions and temptations?


The sons of Mosiah applied these principle(s) of Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge to become powerful missionaries. (Alma 17)

What are all the principles of Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge?


A man who tried to overthrow the government and become king during the 5th year of the reign of judges. (Alma 2)

Who is Amlici?


Hard-hearted descendants of the priests of the wicked King Noah who lived among the Lamanites (Alma 25)

Who are the Amulonites?


Ammon taught the gospel to King Lamoni and his people in this land. (Alma 17)

What is the Land of Ishmael?


When Aaron expresses his concern that Ammon is boasting, Ammon replies, “…I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can __ ___ ___” (Alma 26)

What is do all things?


While witnessing the women and children being consumed by fire, Amulek asks Alma “How can we witness this awful scene?”  Alma uses this principle of Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge in his reply (Alma 14)

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A Lamanite king who was amazed by the faithfulness of his Nephite captive/prospective son-in-law-/servant. (Alma 17-18)

Who is Lamoni?


A group of wicked people preached to by Alma and Amulek who later were completely destroyed. (Alma 16)

Who are the Ammonihahites?


The Lamanite land where Aaron, Muloki and Ammah were being held prisoner. (Alma 20)

What is Middoni?


When explaining faith to the poor Zoramites, Alma tells them, “…faith is not to have _ ___ ___ __ ______” (Alma 32)

What is a perfect knowledge of things?


Before going to preach to the Zoramites, Alma prays for himself and his fellow missionaries.  In this prayer he applies this principle of Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge. (Alma 31)

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