How old was Daniel when he was taken from his homeland?
What was the king asking his people to interpret for him?
His dream
Who did Daniel give credit to for being able to know the kings dreams?
How many people were thrown into the furnace and how many people did the King see in the furnace?
three(3) was thrown in but the king saw four(4)
True or False. Because Daniel had done so well interpreting his last dream, the king immediately called Daniel to help him with this dream?
Where was Daniel taken to from his homeland?
Babylon to be a slave for the king.
Since the king refused to tell anyone what the dream was, what did the king say would be the consequence of not being able to tell him what his dream was?
They would be torn limb from limb
How many Kingdoms did Daniel say the Kings dream represented?
Four (4)
What did the king say one of the men looked like?
What did Nebuchnezzar see in his dream? a big _______ and what did this represent?
Who was Daniels three loyal friends?
Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego
What did Daniel interpret the kings dream to be about?
The future
What was the statue made of that everyone was suppose to worship and how would you know it was time to worship this image?
The statue was made of gold and you would hear music when it was time to worship this image.
True or False. Daniels friends came out of the furnace with burn marks all over their bodies.
According to Daniels dream interpretation where was the king to go, how long did the holy one tell him to be there and what was he to eat?
The king should live in the wilderness for 7 time periods and eat grass
What gift was given to Daniel from God?
Visions and Dreams
Once Daniel correctly interpreted the kings dream and the king told him he could have anything, what did Daniel ask the king to do?
To save all the wise men
What was the consequence of not worshiping this statue or image?
You would be thrown into the fiery furnace.
After the king saw what God had done for Daniels friends, what did he say would happen if anyone talked bad about the Jews God?
The king said anyone who talked bad about the Jews God would be torn limb from limb.
Why was the king to be cast into the wild? What had he started to become?
The king was not giving God the glory, he had started to become very boastful saying he was the reason for every good thing in his kingdom.
Where did Daniel and his friends end up working?
In the kings palace
Before going to interpret the kings dream, who did Daniel ask to help him pray about it?
Daniels three loyal friends
How many times hotter did the king want the furnace to be when Daniels friends were thrown in?
7 times hotter
How did the next dream King Nebuchadezzar had make him feel?
He was fearful of his dream and what it meant.
True or False. After God took his kingdom away and at the end of his time in the wilderness, King Nebuchdezzar said he praises, exalts and honors the King of Heaven.