who did God tell to go to Ninevah?
Where does God tell Jonah to go?
what did God do when Jonah fled onto a ship?
big storm
who were the Ninevites
where did the shipmen throw Jonah
into the water
what was Jonah doing during the storm
who was repenting on the ship
The shipmen
Where is Ninevah
what did the ninevities do when Jonah told them that their city would be overturned
starting fastin
how did the Ninevites recieve God's message
They repented/fasted
where does Jonah go instead of where God told him to go
the complete opposite way/ Tarshish/ not ninevah
3 days and nights
Who wrote the Book of Jonah (hint it's not Jonah)
Where did Jonah sit to see what would happen to the city of Nineveh?
Outside the city on the east side.
what did the king do when hearing Jonah's warning
He told the entire city to fast with him