What happened on the boat when they started sailing?
God sent a great wind and storm, and the sailors were scared so they started throwing out cargo to make it lighter
How many days was Jonah in the fish?
Three days and three nights
What happened to Nineveh?
How did the sailors figure out whose fault the storm is? and what did Jonah tell them?
They cast lots. Jonah them he is Hebrew, he worships God and he is the reason for the storm so they should throw him into the sea.
What did Jonah do while he was in the fish?
He prayed to God
What did Jonah say to the people of Nineveh on the first day?
He told them in forty days Nineveh will be overthrown/destroyed
Where was Jonah when the storm started?
Sleeping below deck
How did Jonah leave the fish?
God spoke to the fish and it vomited Jonah onto dry land
What did Jonah do when God saved the city of Nineveh?
He was angry, said to God "it is better that for me to die than to live" and went outside of the city and made shelter somewhere where he could see the city
What city did Jonah plan to flee to?
Jonah prayed and said "Weeny soul fainted within me, I remembered __"
The Lord
What did the people of Nineveh and the King do?
The King of Nineveh put aside his role, wore sackcloth and sat in ashes, he made a decree for everyone to fast and pray and the people believed in God and fasted
What did the sailors do after throwing Jonah in the water?
They prayed to God and said do not hold us accountable for killing an innocent man
Jonah prayed and said "I have been cast out of your sight but towards___"
your Holy Temple
What did God do when Jonah got angry -- and what did he say to Jonah?
He gave him a plant and then prepared a worm to destroy it, and then he told him "is it right for you to be angry", if you have pity on a plant you did not labour to grow, should I not pity Nineveh a great city