The left handed judge.
Who was Ehud?
The only female judge.
Who was Deborah?
Abimelech's father.
Who was Gideon?
The place the Levite was from.
What is the mountains of Ephriam?
The way Samson lost his strength.
What is his hair being cut?
The judge that killed 600 Philistines with an Ox Goad.
Who was Shamgar?
The judge that killed a lion.
Who was Samson?
The parable Gideons son who survived told.
What is the parable of the vines?
The tribe that went to war with the rest Israel in chapter 20. (The last major event in judges)
What was the tribe of Benjamin?
The thing dropped on Abimelech's head.
What is a millstone?
The first judge. (Not including Joshua)
Who was Othniel?
The judge who sacrificed his daughter.
Who was Jephthah?
The person who killed Abimelech.
Who was his sword bearer?
What is his father in laws house?
The amount of time Jephthah's daughter spent in the mountains.
How long is 2 months?
Which judge had 30 sons, each with a donkey and a town.
Who was Jair?
The number of sons Gideon had.
What is 70?
The person who started the uprising against Abimelech.
Who was Gaal?
What did Micah use to make an idol.
What is silver?
The people who followed Abimelech.
Who are the people of Shechem?
The judge who had 40 grandsons.
Who was Ibzan?
The amount of soldiers Gideon started with.
What is 32'000?
The son of Gideon that Abimelech did not kill. (Not including Abimelech)
Who was Jotham?
The city where the Levites's concubine died.
Where is Gibeah?
The least amount of time anyone was ever a judge.
What is 8 years?