How did Maribel get hurt?
Falling off a ladder at her dads workplace.
Where did the River family move to in America?
Newark, Delaware
What family were good friends with the Rivera's throughout the book?
The Toro's
Why was Alma mad when she heard about the job Arturo had to take?
He was working a bad job, poor conditions, they didn't care for his qualifications he had in Mexico.
What school does Maribel attend?
Why did Alma and Arturo migrate to the US
In order for Maribel to get the necessary help after her accident
Which of Maribel's relationships in America help her improve?
Her and Mayor's
Why does Rafa drive slowly?
To blend in
What did Maribel give Mayor when she was leaving for Mexico?
Her notebook.
Why did Alma go back to Mexico?
Arturo died, they had to leave.
Why does Celia not work?
Rafa wants to be the money maker.
What did Rafa's old classmates say that made him so angry?
They made the assumption that they were now white washed
This city is the Riveras’ hometown in Mexico, which they long for throughout the story.
What did Maribel say when she tried McDonald's fries?
"Cafeteria fries SUCK"
What was Fito's dream when he came to the US?
To become a boxer.
Which character has a bad relationship with their mother?
What is Fito's job and why does it make him happy?
Apartment owner / manager, takes in others like him.
Who was in the Navy and loves poetry?
Jose Mercado
What did Maribel tell her mom on the way back to Mexico that made her mom happy to hear?
She wanted to cut and dye her hair.
How did Benny Quinto raise the funds to come to America?
Theft, stole from the church.
Who is the wife of Jose Mercado
What does Gustavo Milhojas do for work?
Janitor at 2 movie theaters.
Why couldn't Nelia get any roles?
Her ethnicity.