The men who came at the end of the chapter were referred to as what by Liesel?
The Coat Men
What are the Air Raid Officers in charge of checking?
Basement depths
What does Max leave under the rock for Hans after he leaves 33 Himmel Street?
A note saying "You've done enough".
What does Hans do during the "Parade of Jews"?
He gives an elderly Jew a piece of bread
What does Rudy mistake the "Jew Parade" of being?
Herd of Cattle
Who does the Gestapo come for at the end of Part 7?
What book was left in the window of the mayor's house for Liesel?
Duden's Dictionary
Liesel's Papa is accused of being this.
"Dirty Jew-Lover"
Hides his childhood friend from the Nazis in Stuttgart.
Who is Walter Kugler?
What did Rudy do with his medals he won at the Hitler Youth races?
He gave them to Liesel