Which Jewish character had to hide in a storeroom for two years?
Max Vandenburg
What is the name of Hans’ friend that saved him during war and taught him the accordion?
Erik Vandenburg
Who is the new leader of "The Losers".
Viktor Chimmel
What does Liesel say is silly for the mayor's wife to be sad about?
The death of her son
What does Rudy forget at the mayor's house after him and Liesel steal the book?
Liesel's shoes
What is the name of Max’s friend that practically saved his life?
Walter Kruger
What did Rudy do to save Liesel's book (The Whistler)?
He jumped in the freezing cold lake.
What does Max pretend to do in the basement?
Box Adolf Hitler
What does Max teach Liesel to do in the basement?
How to do push ups
Why does Rudy's family begin to receive letters from the Hitler Youth division?
Rudy is skipping sessions
What book did Max cover the pages of?
Mein Kampf
What do both Max and Liesel have in common?
Their passion for books/reading
What is the name of the booklet that Max gives Liesel for her 12th birthday?
The Standover Man
Why does Viktor steal?
He was bored
What does Viktor steal from Liesel and Rudy?
The Whistler
Why did Liesel get mad at the Mayor’s Wife?
She is angry that the Mayor’s family is so rich, yet she is struggling.
What is the name of the book that Liesel stole from the Mayor’s house?
The Whistler
What does Max complete in the newspaper on Thursdays?
Crossword Puzzle
What animal does Liesel compare Max to?
A bird
What does Rudy try to steal by himself in Part V?
A potato
What did Max and Liesel steal together most often?
After which event was Liesel named ‘The Book Thief’?
When she stole the book from the Mayor’s house.
How many apples do Rudy and Liesel receive during the raid initially.
Why is Tommy and Rudy covered in mud during Part V?
Tommy got in trouble at Hitler Youth and Rudy stood up for him
What sad fact do we learn towards the end of Part V regarding Rudy and Liesel?
Rudy never gets a kiss from Liesel