The "new deal"
New Deal programs
What caused the great Great Depresion
Bustling Economy
Established the "new deal"
What is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
Provided workers with the unemployment insurance, old age pensions, and insurance if they died early.
What is Social Security?
Time period when the economy went in to a downfall.
What is the Great Depresion?
created the affordable model T car
What is Henry Ford
in which a flood of new, affordable goods became available to the public.
What is consumer revolution
the part of the "New Deal" that helped tide people over until the economy recoverd.
What is Relief?
insured bank deposits so that people would not lose their saving in case a bank failed.
What is Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)?
Crashed causing the Great Depresion
What is the Stock Market
New invention to keep food cooler and fresh
What is Refrigerator?
In which a consumer would make a small down payment and then pay off the rest of the debt in regular monthly payments.
What is Installment buying
This was a measure to recover the economy and raise incentives to produce and by rebuilding people's purchasing power. The president thought that if the government put money in to consumers hands they would go out and spend more which would increase the demand for goods to be made and more jobs created again.
What is Recovery
gave people jobs building rail roads, playground, swimming pools, sidewalks and sewers in their hometown. also the WPA hired artists and writers for local history and public art projects.
What is works progress administration (WPA)
In the 1920's a rapid expansion of new products were on the rise. but businesses were making more then they could sell because not every citizen has the income to buy these types of products like example, Farmers and railroad workers income were decreasing in the 1920's. thus then manufacturers were making more then they could sell.
What is over production
Made the creation of goods faster and more cheaply allowing more people to buy that item for less
What is the Assembly line?
the period of rising stock
What is a bull market
measures were aimed at remedying defects in the nation's economy to ensure that another depression would never strike again.
What is Reform
was created to watch over the stock market and guard against another stock market collapse
What is Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
stock prices in the 1920's soared high. people sought to strike it rich by buying stock. Also people bought stock by buying on margin which allowed people to buy stock and only pay a cut of the prices and promise to pay it back after they sold their stock. so thus the government wasn't able to manage it's banks and the stock market crashed and people weren't able to pay off their debt.
What is speculation
The type of transportation that made it easier to live farther from work, travel farther and go on vacations
What is Model T
purchasing stock on margin, a buyer paid as little as 10% of the stock price upfront to a broker.
What is buying on margin
was used to put people back in to work and stabalize the economy.
What is The New Deal?
part of the WPA, put people between the ages of 16 and 25 to work at after-school jobs around their high schools and colleges. these member mowed lawns, painted walls and did other jobs.
What is National youth Administration (NYA)
On October 29, 1929 the stock market crashed. the demands for goods went down and thousands of people lost their life savings. this led to factories closing, wages dropped, and a lot of workers lost their jobs. this caught the nation in to a vicious downward spiral.
What is stock market crash
helped produce a standardized culture
What is the radio and phonograph?
time when stock prices would continue to rise.
What is "new era"