Poorly Explained Movies
Games... Old Games... But no new games
Do you deserve your Citizenship?

Purple alien goes on a rampage across the universe so he can complete his rock collection

What is Avengers: Infinity War?


This game contains a famous speedrun tactic involving jumping backwards and glitching up a set of stairs

What is Super Mario 64?


This television series follows a "young" boy and his friends after the fire nation attacked.

What is Avatar: The Last Airbender


This is the supreme law of the land

What is the constitution?


This process in which cells convert glucose and oxygen into energy, carbon dioxide, and water is crucial for providing energy to living organisms.

What is cellular respiration?


12 year old kid breaks into kids homes after the parents leave then proceeds to give the kids “magic dust” that makes the go high as a kite, then he kidnaps them and brings them to a place filled with murders and racist furries.

What is Peter Pan?


This game features a war between humans and an alien alliance known as the Covenant.

What is Halo?


A high school chemistry teacher turns master methamphetamine cook.

What is Breaking Bad?


This is the last day that you can submit federal tax forms

What is April 15th?


This law states that for gases, at constant temperature, the volume of a fixed amount of gas is inversely proportional to its pressure, often expressed mathematically as P × V = constant.

What is Boyle's Law?


Man watches his wife die, and only son be disabled after a brutal attack on his front lawn. Years later his son is then kidnapped. He travels many miles in search of his son with help of strangers he meets along the way.

What is Finding Nemo?


This series of inputs allowed for 27 extra lives in the game Contra. Also known as the “30 guy code” or the “Konami code”

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start


This show follows twins as they go to their great uncle's mysterious shack in Oregon

What is Gravity Falls?


This is who becomes the president if both the President and Vice President can no longer serve.

Who is the Speaker of the House?

This structure in eukaryotic cells, composed of microtubules, acts as the cell’s “highway system,” facilitating the movement of organelles, vesicles, and chromosomes during mitosis.

What is the cytoskeleton?


An overweight loner with poor hygiene and social skills goes on a quest to get rid of the minorities invading his homeland.

What is Shrek?


This company made Pong

What is Atari?


This character is the wealthy owner of the Springfield mansion, often seen with his pet leopard, and has a long-standing rivalry with Mr. Burns.

Who is Sideshow Bob?


The constitution has this many amendments

What is 27?


This law states that the force between two charges is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

What is Coulombs Law?


Little guy works overtime while also stealing body parts from his dead coworkers before ditching his job to go on a cruise with his unconscious girlfriend

What is Wall-e?


The sci-fi novel "Ready Player One" features many classic video games, including what 1979 Atari 2600 game in the book's final challenge? This one-word game features a square avatar on a quest for a chalice.

What is Adventure?


This character, who is the daughter of Professor Sycamore, joins Ash's team in the Kalos region and becomes a talented trainer with her Pokémon, Chespin.

Who is Bonnie?


Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the states. This is one power of the states(There are 5, name 1)

What are provide schooling and education, provide protection (police), provide safety (fire departments)  give a driver’s license, approve zoning and land use?


This principle in quantum mechanics asserts that certain pairs of physical properties, like position and momentum, cannot both be precisely measured at the same time, and the more precisely one is measured, the less precisely the other can be known.

What is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?
