who was mason’s first meet
Rosie jimmys
What is baby t nickname
Mr swinger
what could AJ never do
take pictures
What game did jr and cody play 247
Gang bang
What did use to call aj
Headlock and nuggy boy
Cody’s first babe
juile rockys
What is cody nickname
2 itch
Who does Bob Barry’s love
Chicken bobbys
What did jr mason and baby t and west play when miller and aj got mad because they wasn’t invited
What did we always use to say to west
you’re mothers hot
what year did west join the boys
What is Aj’s famous line
You wanna play the game and you pay it
Who does jr stfu about
Nicole Sonnys
What the dumbest reason baby t curse wests mother
What did rj say to baby that we when to 3 hour court
You have a step mother
What did cody break in a best boy
What did uncle Michael call Aut Tracey
What did go eat every time he had to get off the game
What does west get the most mad at
Who did baby t blame everything on
What dance was baby t doing in his old TikTok
I’m a kitty kitty I’m a cat
What did west say at popbys
It’s to hot
What was the first name of the group chat
Bubble gubby basters
Couldn’t think of anything else
Sorry we couldn’t think of anything else