The most frequented after-school indoor spot to meet up with the boys.
What is Uncommon Grounds?
The year that GRB was founded
What is 2017?
An unlikely duo navigates a bustling environment, in this favorite Pixar movie of Jackson's.
What is Ratatouille?
This ex-Hannaford Hall of Famer has partook in some infamous altercations which led to an Instagram chat being named after him.
Who is Ian Bruce?
The eye colors of the people on your left and right.
What is _____?
The username of the shared Instagram account dedicated to David's dog Zeus (RIP).
What is doggsinheaven?
The year when 2 of the more "jolly" members of the friend group had a quarrel which led to the infamous door incident.
What is 2018?
The title of the first song ever to be released on streaming by Jackson Vick.
What is Glass?
The faith-leading, eagle-scouting, online-stalking social media influencer utters this phrase, at the beginning of all each of his videos.
What is "Grace and peace, my dear siblings in Christ?"
The chronological order of when the 6 members of We Dem Boyz lost their virginity.
What is David, Jackson, Cyrus, Murdock, Jacob, and Sam?
The 4 F-names of Sam's 4 original cats (RIP).
What is Fiona, Fred, Fraser, and Fritz?
The year that "Blue Toad Plays Super Mario 3D World," was uploaded.
What is 2014?
During the Sablewave era, Jackson frequented several videos starring this controversial character played by Schuylar Scciroco.
What is Hanzeeblo?
The mildly offensive nickname that Richard Resue gave to David.
What is Jose Mucho Grande?
The iconic sleepover activity that could be considered and evolution of the sleeping bag game "snailing."
What is Night Crawlers?
Cooper arguably reached Unc status, as he lived to be this many years old.
What is 13?
The year that this photo was taken.
What is 2021?
The 10 tracks from Jackson's 2024 album titled "JKV." ( Most correct answers wins).
Reflection (Intro), Starting Now, Eternal September, Accident, Glass, Chronos, Prometheus, Eurydice Dream, Absence, and Reformed (Outro).
In the year 2013, Sam went by this short-lived alias before it was changed to Razooka1.
What is SRDonkeyPants?
The name of the town and state where the legendary airBnB of 23' and 24' was located.
What is Londonderry, Vermont?
The answer to the most fringe animal-related inside joke. (Jacob Judges)
What is ____?
The year that "Reptile Brian" was born.
What is 2019?
A brief summary of horse theory. (Jackson's call)
(Jackson's call)
This OG controversial figure on Instagram was a frequent n-word user and disliked the song "One Day," by Matisyahu.
What is Hazax?