Nutrition / Exercise
Medical Interventions
Relaxation / Comfort
First Stage Labor/ Transition
Second/Third Stage Labor
How many grams of protein should you eat each day while pregnant?
80-100 grams of protein per day
This intervention is used to supply fluids to a woman who is becoming dehydrated, needs extra energy, or is going to receive an epidural or pitocin.
Itravenous fluids
List 1 reason why the Bradley Method endorses normal breathing?
* conserves energy * normal * helps aid in relaxation * prevents hyperventilation
What is the emotional signpost of transition?
Push to the point of ________.
Which pregnancy exercise can help alleviate back pain and tones/conditions lower back/abdominal muscles?
pelvic rocking
List the questions you should ask your health care provider if he/she recommends a intervention that was not in your birth plan?
1. What are the benefits of this intervention? 2. What are the risks? 3. What are my alternatives? 4. What is my instinct telling me to do? 5. What would happen if I did nothing?
This type of breathing is conducive to relaxation; it lowers blood pressure, uses less of the body's energy, and helps a person avoid hyperventilation.
Abdominal breathing
How do you determine the frequency of contractions?
Time from beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next contraction.
What is the breathing pattern for pushing?
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, hold breath for as long as comfortable while pushing, exhale.
Why is nutrition still important if you have a c-section?
You will heal more quickly if you have good nutrition during pregnancy.
List 1 CON for pitocin
* Labor is usually more painful (increases chances of epidural) * Can lead to uterine hyperstimulation * Doubles the chance of the baby being born in poor condition (jaundice, respiratory distress, etc) * Increases your chances of having a c-section * Pitocin has not been approved for labor induction by the drug manufacturer (off-label usage)
Name two things that can help relieve pain from back labor.
hands and knees position, warmth on lower back, cold on lower back, lots of counter-pressure, massage or stroking
List 3 things on the "coach's labor checklist" (things to do/look for during a contraction)
1) Check mom's position. 2) Check her relaxation. 3) Time the contractions. 4) Guide her breathing, if needed. 5) Rub her back. 6) Talk during contractions. 7) Maintain a peaceful environment.
How will you know when third stage labor is complete?
When the placenta has been delivered
Which pregnancy exercise opens the pelvic outlet and can help prevent episiotomies/tears?
If a woman is experiencing an extremely slow second stage (pushing), name two interventions that a OB might perform?
forceps, vacuum extractor, episiotomy
What does getting into warm water (shower/bath) generally do for a laboring women?
relaxes her relieves pain
What is the emotional signposts for the following early first stage labor
Name two signs that a woman may be in second stage (ready to push)?
1. mom says "it's time to push" 2. mom starts to grunt/groan 3. increased difficulty relaxing 4. mom feels like she's going to have a bowel movement
Why is protein important in pregnancy?
Provides amino acids which are the building blocks of the body. Important for healthy bones, teeth, muscles, brain, everything! Inadequate protein intake can lead to fatigue, swelling, and a lack of appetite. Proper intake of protein decreases chance of toxemia by 100%.
List one side effect of an epidural on mom and one side effect on baby.
baby: increased need for supplemental O2, increased difficulty nursing (baby sleepy), takes longer for drug to process (immature livers) mom: may have allergic reaction, spinal headache, decrease in BP
List 2 benefits for relaxation during labor
conserves energy, calms your mind/helps you focus, reduces pain
What five things can you do if you think you may be in labor?
eat, drink, shower, walk, sleep
List 1 thing mom can do if mom has a mild or wishful urge to push but she is not fully dilated?
relax change positions drink more water lift chin off chest sing