Preparation for Labor
First Stage Labor
Natural Alignment Plateau
First Stage Labor/ Transition
Second/Third Stage Labor
What things should be done prior to labor beginning so that the mother avoids unnecessary stress and pain?
1. Maintain good nutrition 2. Exercise regularly, both physical and pregnancy exercises 3. Have a supportive birth team (coach, health care provider, doula) 4. Choose a supportive birth place 5. Practice good communications 6. Avoid excess stress 7. Practice relaxation techniques (at least 20 mins/day!)
Why do some parents go the hospital once or twice before their actual labor?
It's hard to tell pre-labor from real first stage labor. Pre-labor is important because it strengthens the uterus, prepares the mother for giving birth, and prepares the baby for birth.
What are the four things that are measured during a vaginal exam?
dilation; effacement; station; position
What five things can you do if you think you may be in labor?
walk, eat, sleep, shower, nap
Name four signs that a women may be in second stage (ready to push)?
1. Mom says "It's time to push" 2. Mom starts to grunt/groan 3. Increased difficulty relaxing 4. Mom feels like she needs to move her bowels
Which pregnancy exercise can help alleviate back pain and tones/conditions lower back/abdominal muscles?
pelvic rocking
List one question you should ask your health care provider if he/she recommends a intervention that was not in your birth plan?
1.What is the problem? 2.What are the symptoms or test results that are causing the concern? Can these findings be considered normal? 3.What is the most likely cause? Are there any other likely causes? 4.Why does my baby, or why do I, need this test/procedure/medication? 5.Will my baby and I be healthier for taking it/having it done? Is this part of a study? Is it “routine”? Is it merely for someone’s convenience? Is this part of insurance guidelines? Or is this a true emergency? 6.What are it’s (the test/drug/procedure) known side effects or liabilities? 7.Will the benefits outweigh the side effects? 8.What tests or monitoring will need to be done as a result? (EFM, IFM, IV) 9.Are there any other options? What is the risk to me and my baby if I don’t have it done?
What important things are happening in the mother which need to be completed before the baby should be born?
1. Physical alignment of baby/pelvis 2. Softening of cartilage and increasing flexibility of ligaments and tendons from hyaluronidase & relaxin 3. Pelvis enlarging 4. Production of oxytocin 5. Breasts preparing nourishment and immunities 6. Production of endorphins 7. Rest - food and water necessary for energy 8. Right of passage - fear, issues, stress, acceptance, exhaustion
How do you determine the frequency of contractions?
time from beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next contraction
Which signs could help you recognize second stage labor?
determination; calmness; contractions may space out again; no modesty
What color vegetable is high in folic acid and why is it important during pregnancy?
Green; it is responsible for good growth of the fetus, especially neural development.
If you are going to change locations during labor, what things can you do to make the move less stressful?
Take a warm bath or shower before moving (if time and BOW is intact); prepare car before moving; drive slowly, observe all traffic laws, and be safe!
Name two things that can help relieve pain from back labor.
hands and knees position warmth on lower back cold on lower back lots of counterpressure massage or stroking
List 3 things on the "coach's labor checklist" - things to do/look for during a contraction.
1) Check mom's position. 2) Check her relaxation. 3) Time the contractions. 4) Guide her breathing, if needed. 5) Rub her back. 6) Talk during contractions. 7) Maintain a peaceful environment.
How will you know when third stage labor is complete?
The placenta has been delivered!
How are due dates determined, and how accurate are they?
Determined by last menstrual period, quickening, ultrasound; not very accurate! Average is actually 41 1/7 weeks.
How can the mother best handle hard labor contractions and any pain she might experience?
sleep imitation with eyes closed; do not move during a contraction; relax; use easy, slow, abdominal breathing; think about the baby; nourish with water, food, honey; try something different like a shower, walk, pelvic rock; remember that the more powerful the contraction, the sooner baby will come
What things are happening in the baby which need to be completed before the baby is ready to be born?
1. Head molding 2. Surfactant to get lungs ready - preparing to breathe 3. Stimulation of nervous system by massage of contractions 4. Adjusting position 5. Chin on chest 6. Producing oxytocin for contractions
What are the physical and emotional signposts for the following early first stage labor?
excitement, acceptance; contractions last 45-60 seconds and require concentration; contractions will not space out from activity change, and they become stronger and closer together
Push to the point of ________.
What should the mother and coach be doing for at least 20 minutes each day so that they will be best able to handle any pain in labor?
Relaxation exercises
List 2 things (per category) that you can do to encourage physical relaxation, mental relaxation, and emotional relaxation.
Physical - urinate often; don't lie on back; move around; drink; eat Mental - music; stories; poems; dim lights; comfortable temperature Emotional - reassurance; praise; confidence; positive communications
List five different laboring positions.
side relaxation; contour upright (bend knees, release bottom) - lean against a wall, coach, dance, walking dance sitting - chair, car, toilet, against coach, rocking chair pelvic rock; asymmetric
How can you recognize that mom is in transition?
self-doubt, "I give up"; contractions double peak, space out, stop; little modesty
List 1 thing mom can do if mom has a mild or wishful urge to push but she is not fully dilated?
relax change positions drink more water lift chin off chest sing (distraction)