Parts of The Brain 1
Parts of The Brain 2
Parts of The Brain 3
CPM Pt.1
CPM Pt.2
Where is the Cerebrum located and what is its main function(s)?
In the main body of the brain; it makes decisions and sends them to the required body part(s).
Where is the Brainstem located and what is its main function(s)?
Is found at the base of the cerebellum and leads off to the spinal cord; controls motor and sensory systems by sending messages to and from the spinal cord.
Where is the Midbrain located and what is its main function(s)?
It is found roughly in the center of the brain, below the cerebral cortex and above the hindbrain; it acts like a relay station for motor, auditory and visual information.
What does the acronym 'CPM' stand for?
Central Pontine Myelinolysis
What is the part of the brain CPM occurs?
It develops in the pons.
Where is the Cerebral Hemisphere located and what is its main function(s)?
The whole brain, hemisphere hence, the left and right side of the brain; This seperation of the brain allows for easier teamwork and multi-tasking/teamwork.
Where is the Cerebral Cortex located and what is its main function(s)?
It is around the Cerebrum; it divides functions to each of the lobes.
Where is the Cerebellum located and what is its main function(s)?
It is located at the lower back of the Cerebrum; basically polishes the messages so they are smooth and not so 'robot-like'.
What is CPM?
It is the dysfunction of brain cells caused by the destruction of the myelin sheath covering the nerve cells in the middle of the brainstem.
What is the most common cause of CPM?
Is when there is a quick rise in the body's sodium levels e.g.: hyponatremia
Where is the Frontal Lobe located and what is its main function(s)?
Is located at the front of the brain; it controls personality characteristics and movement as well as aiding in smell recognition.
Where is the Parietal Lobe located and what is its main function(s)?
Located in the middle of the brain; this part helps identify objects and spatial relationships as well as aiding in pain recognition and touch.
Where is the Temporal Lobe located and what is its main function(s)?
Found on the sides of the brain; involved in memory, speech, musical rhythm and a small part of smell recognition.
List at least 3 symptoms of CPM?
Some symptoms include: confusion, balance problems, hallucinations, difficulty swallowing, poor responses, lethargic, speech changes, tremor and weaknesses in the face, arms or legs.
What is the man diagonostic test for CPM?
An MRI is the main diagnostic test, due to the size of the pons.
Where is the Occipital Lobe located and what is its main function(s)?
It is in the back part of the brain; this part is dedicated to our vision.
Where is the Thalamus & Hypothalamus located and what are their main function(s)?
The Thalamus is found above the brainstem and the Hypothalamus is found at the base of the brain. The Thalamus is a sort of relay station and the Hypothalamus controls hunger, thirst, emotions, body temperature regulation, and circadian rhythms. It also has control over the pituary gland.
Where is the Pituary Gland located and what is its main function(s)?
Located at the base of the skull, in-between two optic nerves; this gland secretes hormones involved with our temperature, thyroid activity, growth during childhood, urine production and testosterone/estrogen production depending on the person's gender.
How can you cure CPM?
You can't. You can only relieve the symptoms.
What are the long term effects CPM could have?
It could give you a decreased ability to interact with others, a decreased ability to work or care for self, the inability to move, other than to blink your eyes and/or permanent nervous system damage.
Where is the Pons located and what is its main function(s)?
It is located inside the brainstem; it contains many control areas for face and eye movements and it carries out several functions like arousal, controlling autonomic functions, relaying sensory information and sleep.
Where is the Medulla located and what is its main function(s)?
It is found in the brainstem as well; the medulla is the part of the brainstem that controls our involuntary actions that we need to survive, e.g.: breathing, heat pumping, digesting etc.
Where is the Corpus Callosum located and what is its main function(s)?
It is in the dead center of the brain; this is the brain's negotiator between the two hemispheres. It sends messgaes to and from each hemisphere to control actions requiring both sides of the brain and allowing for co-operation.
What body parts does CPM affect?
Other than the brain, this disease effects the CNS. With this disease affecting the CNS and the brain, it practically affects the whole body.
How does this disease affect the brain?
The disease can impair thinking, speech, movement/co-ordination, vision, balance and involuntary actions such as digestion, breathng etc.