finish this lyric: I'm not going back I'm...
what is:
moving ahead
This person wants you to change
what is: Jesus
This object shows your reflection
what is: a mirror
Samson had a soul tie to a woman named
what is: Delilah
Jesus asked this woman for
what is:
a drink
Define repentance
What is "to turn around"
"God makes ______things new"
what is: all
This job involved collecting money from people (& many times overcharged)
what is: a tax collector
Materials for our illustration were
Cycles are
what is: a series of events regularly repeated in the same order
Peter told people to
what is:
repent & be baptized
we must change our ______ & _______
what is: hearts & lives
This is how he wanted to make things right with Jesus
what is: selling everything to give to the poor, & giving back 4x what he stole
A soul tie is
what is:
when your soul is attached to someone or something that has the power to affect you
This woman was caught in these 3 kind of cycles
what is:
social, sin, spiritual
Those added to the church prayed together and also did these 2 things:
what is:
sold their properties, ate together
Most of the Bible verses we read came from this book in the Bible
What is: Acts
The correct spelling of this main character is
This happened to Samson as a result of the soul tie (physical & spiritual)
what is:
eyes gauged out, God's presence left him
Finish the lyric: I will live I will not die the________
what is: the resurrection power of Christ alive in me and I am free in Jesus name
Name the 4 steps to break up with sin:
what is:
repentance, be baptized, receive the HS, be added to the church
when we repent of our sin, We have this promise:
what is: God will forgive us
This is the kind of tree he climbed to see Jesus
what is a sycamore tree
The 4 Cs for breaking up with soul ties:
what is: call, confess, cancel, cast
Jesus said if you knew who I was you would:
what is:
ask me for a drink and I would give you living water