B4 3-0-5
what is skipping on one foot
A4 0-10-9
What is walking with one hand held?
F23 5-0-2
What is being able to identify lizard as an animal?
G2 1-6-3
What is being able to assist in undressing?
The child is able to identify a car as a non-living thing
What is F22 5-0-12?
The child is able to walk on a balance beam with both hands held
What is B8 1-6-1?
A1 0-4-9
what is able to grasp foot with hand?
The child is able to identify a school bus sign
What is E2 3-0-9?
G3 3-0-11
What is being able to assist in dressing and put on socks?
The child is able to support most weight on feet
What is A4 0-3-4?
The child is able to throw a tennis ball a distance of 10 feet
What is B10 4-0-5?
The child is able to sit briefly unsupported
What is A3 0-6-6?
The child is able to blend spi + der into spider
What is E3 4-0-6?
The child is able to spoon-feed without spilling
What is G1 2-0-34?
The child is able to catch a bounced tennis ball with both hands
What is B9 5-0-7
The child is able to walk backwards two steps and sideways two steps
What is B2 2-0-6?
The child is able to lift his/her head
What is A1 0-7-13?
The child is able to point to a Canadian dime
What is F18b 2-0-2
The child is able to wipe nose without verbal cue
What is G8 5-0-10?
The child knows what to do when you cough
What is G9 5-0-14?
The child is able to participate well in group activities
What is H4 3-6-18?
The child is able to repeat three numbers
What is D14 3-0-2?
The child is able to wave ‘bye-bye’
What is D2 1-0-33?
The child is able to draw ears on a body
What is C5 5-0-12?
The child likes to reach and grab and also finish what he/she starts
What is H3 5-0-31?