2P's Questions
2X's Questions
Nana's Questions
Verbets Tider
Pot Luck

Who sailed to Australia and New Zealand and claimed them for Britain? 

Captain James Cook.

What happened in the Berlin Conference in 1884-85?

European countries divided Africa between them.


What did the moon and the British Empire have in common in 1920?

The British Empire, at its territorial peak, covered nearly the same surface area as the Moon.


Hvilken type fejl har jeg lavet i denne sætning: "Many (but not necessarily all) of the students in 2P and 2X has written some good questions on the British Empire."

En fejl i verbalkongruens!


What was Australia used as by the British?

A penal colony.

What did Britain and China get into an armed conflict about?

Britain wanted China to buy opium from them, which China didn't want to do, as it was extremely bad for its population, which led to the Opium Wars the Chinese goverment seized opium from British ships and destroyed it.


What was the company name that gave England a monopoly in India and was later taken over by the state, making Victoria Empress of India.

The East India Company.


What do we mean when we talk about the 'informal empire'?

Countries, which are not IN the empire but are coerced into acting in the interests of the empire.


Hvad skal man huske, når man bøjer verber (udsagnsord) i præsens (nutid)?

-s på 3. person ental.


Who had a major role in India gaining independence?

Mahatma Gandhi.


Who was the most famous of England's privateers?

Sir Francis Drake.


What was a privateer?

A pirate who had the protection of a government.


What are THREE signs of a country having been a British colony?

Cars drive on the left side, cricket is a popular or national sport, the monarch is Charles III, English is an official language.


Hvordan bøjer man regelmæssige verber (udsagnsord) i præteritum (datid)?

-d eller -ed på infinitiv-formen (navnemåde).


What is the difference between an indentured servant and a slave?

Indentured servants had a contract to work for a set period of time for transport, housing and food, and were then free afterwards to seek employment elsewhere. 


What did Henry the Eighth do in 1534?

He split with Rome and the Catholic Church, creating the Church of England and making England a Protestant country and himself the head of the church.


Why did the Irish population fall by almost half (from 8,5 to 4,4 million) in the last part of the 19th century, and what role did the British play in this?

Because of the Potato Famine, which either killed people or forced them to flee, and the consequences of which were made worse because the British forced Ireland to make cash crops and export food to England, EVEN in the midst of a famine, something they did in Bengal after WW2 as well. 


What did the British use during the Boer War in the 1880s to try to stop South Africa from becoming independent?

Concentration camps for the Boer women and children. South Africa did eventually become an independent nation in stages between 1910 and 1961, although under the Apartheid rule, which left the original African population oppressed by the white population.

Hvilket hjælpeverbum (udsagnsord) bruges til at danne BÅDE perfektum (førnutid) og pluskvamperfektum (førdatid) og hvordan bøjes det i begge tilfælde?

"To have" og det bøjes i præsens (nutid) når det danner perfektum (førnutid) og i præteritum (datid) når det danner pluskvamperfektum (førdatid).


What was the last colony of the British Empire and when was it returned and to whom?

Hong Kong, which was returned to China in 1997.


In what decade did Kenya gain independence?

1960s (1963).


What does "proselytize" mean?

To try to persuade other people to accept your beliefs, especially about religion.


How many slaves is it believed England/Britain transported from Africa to the Americas before the slave trade was abolished in 1807?

2,5-3,5 million people.


Hvilken form står hovedverbet (udsagnsordet) i, når man danner de tre sammensatte tider? Bøj "I am" i alle tre tider som eksempel.

Det står i perfektum participium (kort tillægsform) i perfektum (førnutid) og pluskvamperfektum (førdatid) og i infinitiv (navnemåde) i futurum (fremtid).


Give THREE REASONS for colonialism.

Religion, science, MONEY.
