What is FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome) caused by?
Mother drinking alcohol while pregnant
What was the name of his son?
Adam Dorris
What birthday did Adam have as Dorris was writing The Broken Cord?
Why was Adam laid off of his job?
Seizures and After-Christmas slump
What are three symptoms of FAS other than seizures?
Vision problems, hearing loss, heart problems, kidney problems, bone problems, poor balance/coordination
What is one award Dorris received?
Guggenheim Fellow, Rockefeller Fellow, Heartland Prize, Christopher Medal, National Book Critics Circle Board
What job did Adam get laid off of?
Dish washing at a bowling alley
Who told Adam he could drink when he turns 21?
One of the symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is difficulty with balance. What specific body part and what part is responsible for balance?
The Inner ear
Where was Dorris born?
Louisville, Kentucky
What state did Adam mistakenly state was in between Oklahoma and Texas?
Umbilical cord
What are three physical features caused by FAS?
What did Dorris teach at Dartmouth?
Native American Studies and Anthropology
What did Adam request for his birthday dinner?
When did Michael Dorris pass away?
April 10th, 1997
What is the life expectancy for someone with FAS?
34 years old
What colleges did Michael Dorris attend?
Georgetown and Yale
What cake did Michael bake Adam for his birthday?
Lemon cake
What are two mental issues that are caused by FAS?
Poor memory, attention span, decision making, judgement skills, concept of time, organization