What is a shark?
This incredibly famous mountain has the faces of four US presidents on it.
What is Mount Rushmore?
This is the tallest mountain in Japan.
What is Mt. Fuji?
This TV program has movie stars and many other celebrities and involves from hip-hop to tango.
What is Dancing with the stars?
Spell the name of a big animal from África with a really long neck and a funny face.
What is G-I-R-A-F-F-E?
This 1975 movie is famous for having a killer shark as the star.
What is Jaws?
This phenomenon is only visible at night, and attracts many tourists for its beauty.
What are Northern Lights?
To practice this you need to be good at swimming, running, and bike racing.
What is a triathlon?
This musical instrument looks like a tiny little guitar.
What is a ukulele?
It is a group of animals or plants that are the same in some way.
What is a species?
This circus skill has you flying above crowds on a swing.
What is a trapeze?
Each year, thousands of people run a marathon on top of this huge monumento.
What is The Great Wall of China?
On the Ironman competition, this is the distance you have to ride your bike.
What is 180 kilometers?
This activity focuses on your breathing to help you clear your mind from thoughts and worries.
What is medidation?
It is the name of a means of transportation that takes you to many different places so you can have fun. You can also work on it.
What is a cruise ship?
With this sport you can go deep into the ocean and explore a whole new world.
What is scuba diving?
What is the Midnight Sun?
Every year, this book is published with a list of human achievemnts, some impressive, some quite crazy.
What is the Guinness Book?
Throwing things, like balls, into the air is the objective of this skill.
What is juggling?
This activity was very popular in Africa in the past, but now we know that it's not very nice to wildlife.
What is shooting?
For some people, this is even scarier than swimming with sharks.
What is public speaking?
This means of transportation runs for 3,000 km in Australia and was named after people who helped explore the continente.
What is the Ghan Train?
This event happens every November and is a great incentive to help you write your new best-selling novel.
What is NaNoWriMo?
To attract attention or just to be annoying, this skill has several diferente uses (and ways to do it)!
What is whistling?
It's just like Hollywood, but it's in India.
What is Bollywood?