Who,What, and Why of Music
Melody and Harmony
Note Names and Values
Composer Corner

2 reasons why God created music

What is....

 1. To Glorify Himself           2. For us to enjoy


Three Building Blocks of Music

What is .... 

Melody, Harmony and Rhythm


The human organ inside the body that has a

steady pulse similar to the steady beat of music.

What is...

the human heart


Name of note and rest and it's value in 4/4 time

(First grade may just say the note name.)

What is...

Whole Note and a Whole Rest

Value= 4 Counts

* FIRST GRADE only the type of note.


Word in our Theme that is spelled wrong intentionally and the last name of this month's composer

Bach to Basics: The Building Blocks of Music

What is...



Three Ways we can use music to glorify God

What is... (any of these)



A Musical instrument that can play both Melody and Harmony at the same time

What is....

any keyboard instrument  (piano, organ, harpsichord, electric piano, accordian, etc.)


Definition of Beat

A musical beat is a ___________ pulse just like a human _____________.

What is ...

 a STEADY pulse just like a human HEARTBEAT


Name of note and rest and it's value in 4/4 time

What is....

Quarter Note and Quarter Rest 

Value= 1 count

* FIRST GRADE only the type of note.


What is...

the name of our composer for this month

Johann Sebastian Bach


Three examples of how we can hear music in God's creation

What is... (any of these...or others)

Birds, Water, Waves, Wind, Rain, etc.


Can you create harmony if you are singing the song Jesus Loves Me accapella as a solo?

What is... NO, you would just be singing the melody. You need two or more people singing to make harmony.


Tapping your foot to the music 

Answer Choices:  Is it Beat or Rhythm?

What is ....



Name of note and rest and the value in 4/4 time

What is...

Half Note and Half Rest

Value=2 counts

* FIRST GRADE only the type of note.


For which instrument did Bach write most of his church music

What is ... a church organ


4 types of music people might enjoy listening to

What is ... (any types of music)

1. Worship (praise choruses, hymns)

2. Classical

3. Country

4. Jazz, Rock, Rhythm and Blues, Rap, etc.


Definition of a Melody

One line of ___________tones one right after the other that the listener perceives as _________ distinct thing.  It always involves P_______ (highs and lows) and D___________ (length)

1st grade:    Another name for a melody is a T_________.

What is ...

One line of musical TONES one right after the other that the listener perceives as ONE distinct thing.  It always involves PITCH and DURATION.

1st grade:  Another name for a melody is a TUNE


Clapping the Words or Melody of a Song

Answer Choices:  Is it Beat or Rhythm?

What is...



Note name and rest and the value in 4/4 time

What is....

Eighth note and Eighth rest

Value=1/2 a count

* FIRST GRADE only the type of note.


Latin: Soli Deo Gloria

English: Glory To God Alone 


Five musical instruments that God has given people the talent to make and play

What is.... (any musical instruments)



Definition of Harmony

___________ tones sounded at the _________

time as the melody to make a sound that is __________________ to hear.

1st grade:   Notes played at the _________ time as the melody that sound ______________ together.

What is...

MUSICAL tones sounded at the SAME time as the melody to make a sound PLEASING (or nice) to hear

1st Grade:  Notes played at the SAME TIME as the melody that sounds  PLEASING or NICE together  


Definition of Rhythm

an ______ arrangement of ___________

sounds with various ________ and ________ sounds that operate on the framework of a steady __________.

First Grade:  What is rhythm? 

L__________ and S_________ sounds on top of a steady beat

What is..

an ORDERLY arrangement of MUSICAL sounds with various SHORT and LONG sounds that operate on the framework of a steady BEAT

First Grade:  LONG and SHORT sounds on top of a steady beat


Note name and rest and its value in 4/4 time

What is.....

Sixteenth Notes and Sixteenth rest

Value of each= 1/4 of a beat

* FIRST GRADE only the type of note.


Country where Bach lived and wrote his music.  

Choices:  a.  France    b.  Germany    c.  Austria

What is ...

