Supporting Details
Main Idea

In the following excerpt, what does the word wavering mean?

"I'll miss you, man," Darrell said , his voice wavering.



The following words were said by: 

"You wanna build up your muscles, Darrell, do push-ups, run, whatever it takes...You are gonna have to work extra hard, though, 'cause your arms are really skinny. You look like you could get hurt if somebody tried to high-five you."

Uncle Jason


The main idea of the excerpt is: 

Inside the rundown homes that lined Darrell's block, there were always people to turn to in times of trouble. Across the street was old Mr. Corbitt, who sat on his porch each day and waved at everyone who passed by. And in the corner house was Mrs. Morton. She made sweet-potato pie for people in the neighborhood, especially Darrell and his mother.

There were always people to turn to in the neighborhood.

What does Darrell discover Travis doing to Nate in the garage? What is Darrell's reaction?

Darrell caught Travis sitting on a trunk where he had made Nate get inside because he didn't want to give Travis his Christmas present. Darrell forced Travis to give him the key to the trunk and he left Nate out.


What does Jamee tell Darrell when they see each other at the supermarket? 

She tells him that Amberlynn didn't mean any of the things she said in class, and she really does like him.


In the following excerpt, what does the word retaliate mean?

[Darrell] knew he did not stand a chance against Jermaine in a fight, and he knew if he told one of the adults, Jermaine would retaliate the next time no one was watching.

to get back at him


The following words were said by: 

"Your wrestler boyfriend ain't man enough to stand up for himself, so you gotta send your girl after me. Man, she's almost as ugly as the little midget. She's more of a man than he is too."



The main idea of the excerpt is that Darrell: 

Walking home, Darrell felt a little better about California. Amberlynn was really nice. Maybe there were other kids at Bluford like her. Maybe it'd be okay after all. Tyray and his friends might not be in any of his classes. They might even forget all about him. Darrell hoped there would be someone like Malik in Bluford.

Darrell hoped to find another friend like Malik.


What is Uncle Jason's response to Darrell's actions?

He was very grateful that Darrell didn't listen to him about leaving the boys alone, and he thanked him for saving Nate. He also apologized to him for the way he acted towards him. 


Where does Jamee tell Darrell to go?

She tells him to go the Christmas Dance, so that he could talk to Amberlynn.


In the following excerpt, what does the word clutches mean? 

"We freshmen." Darrell turned the phrase over in his mind...He held on to that simple phrase the way a drowning person clutches a rope.

grabs tightly


The following words were said by: 

"Now I know you're tough. Any kid who is picked on in school is putting up with a lot more than those who aren't picked on. Just coming to school knowing what your day is gonna take courage. I know. I've been there. What you got to remember is that you can always make yourself stronger."

Mr. Mitchell


The main idea of the excerpt is that: 

During algebra class, Darrell was sure Amberlynn looked right at him. He knew she did. She was only about five feet away. But then she looked away as if she had never seen him before. Didn't she remember standing in the line at the supermarket? Didn't she remember saying "we freshmen" as if they had a special bond? Clearly their conversation was not as important to her as it was to him. 

Darrell is upset that Amberlynn seems to be ignoring him.


What happens between Darrell and Tyray in the cafeteria?

Tyray pretended to trip knocking Darrell's tray of food all over him. Then, Darrell decided to confront him. Darrell used his favorite wrestling move on Tyray, the double leg takedown. Tyray fell on his hand and broke it. 


How does Darrell do at his first wrestling match? 

He could have won if he had used his head and speed, but he did well.


In the following excerpt, what do the words hindering him mean? 

Although [Darrell] was not as strong as the other kids on the team, he was quicker.....It was the first time he felt that his size was not hindering him. 

holding him back


The following words were said by: 

"Tyray, you ain't nothing but a bully...No one in this school like you. They are just afraid of you. But you know what? I ain't afraid of you no more. You don't scare me."



The main idea of the excerpt is that: 

"Darrell," Mr. Mitchell said, "I was a lot like you when I was your age...I was the smallest kid in my class, and big guys used to hassle me all the time. I got beat up at my bus stop in front of a busload of kids. I even got my gym clothes put on a flag pole in front of the school."

When he was young, Mr. Mitchell was a lot like Darrell.


What did the principal decide to do with Darrell and Tyray?

The principal decided not to suspend Darrell because he had been through enough with Tyray. She decided to suspend Tyray for 3 days.


What happens between Darrell and Amberlynn at the school dance?

Darrell asked Amberlynn to dance, and they danced to a slow song.


In the following excerpt, what does the word grateful mean? 

The winter recess had come, and Bluford High was closed for the Christmas and New Year's holidays. Darrell was grateful he did not have to set foot in a classroom for a while. He did not want to see Amberlynn.



The following words were said by: 

"I'm glad you were here....I know I told you not to get involved with them, but you did the right thing. A man's got to stand up when someone else is in trouble, even if it means he might get himself into trouble

Uncle Jason


The following excerpt, what is the main idea?

Since he joined the wrestling team, the days passed by in a blur. Each morning he got up and dragged himself to school. After classes, he forced himself to wrestling practice, and then he trudge home exhausted. At home, he would eat an enormous dinner, struggle to get through his homework, and then fall into a deep sleep.

The days passed by in a blur after Darrell joined the wrestling team. 


What does Darrell now notice about his performance at wrestling practices?

He noticed that he was able to do more of the activities.


What happens between Darrell and Tyray at the school dance?

Darrell is cornered by Tyray and Rodney and they ushered him into the restroom, and Tyray takes him money. Tyray and his friends dumps him head first into the trash can.
