What game is played 3 times a week?
How many apartment rooms total are in the building?
What is the most popular board game played by residents?
What is the closest lake to the canopy?
Harper Lake
Weightlifting is every Sunday morning
FALSE. Weightlifting is every Saturday Morning
Who is resident council president?
Who is the employee of the month for January?
Name a resident who has a birthday this month
Marie, Marilyn, Duane, Myrtice
How many Hurricanes effected the canopy this hurricane season?
5 major hurricanes
TRUE or FALSE...Wine is served on the weekends
False. Wine is served Monday- Friday
How many bingo balls are there?
What year was this facility built?
Which Resident won the last bingo prize?
What event is held in the dining room each month?
Resident Birthday Party!
True or False... Hopeful Baptist Church does ministries on Tuesdays at 3 PM
How many bottles of wine do we go through each month?
Approximately 7
What is the name of the room where social hour/trivia takes place?
The Bistro
Who is the Executive Director?
Where can you go to find a snack or coffee?
The Bistro!
True or False...Renita has worked here 3 years
FALSE... She has been here for 6 years
What event takes place on Tuesday evenings?
Movie Night!
Who would you call to fix your broken light bulb?
How many pets do we have currently at the canopy?
Gail's dog, Larry's dog, and Marlene's cat
Unscramble this word: PYAHP RHUO
Happy Hour
True or False... Bingo is played Monday, Thursday, and Friday.
FALSE...Bingo is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.