How many children are there in the Otis family?
4 children
What is thrown into the face of the ghost?
Two pillows
What is living in Canterville Chase?
a ghost
What is on the library floor?
who's laughing at the ghost?
the twins
Swap the scores
what is in the library?
what did the ghost do when he laugh?
he grinned
how did the otis family Arrive?
by train
Take the rival's score
what is the house called?
Canterville Chase
what are people called who work in the Canterville Chase?
Where did the family come from?
New York
What is the ghost afraid of?
another ghost a sword
What is the floor made of in the room of the suits of armour
what is the ghost wearing?
an armour
What is Mr Otis First name?
What is the name of the ghost?
Sir Simon Canterville
How many people move into the Canterville Chase?
7 people
Double the score or zero it b(depending on the rival's decision)