
How does Holden feel about his brother Allie? How do you know?

He admires him. He has nothing but good things to say about him


How does Holden know that Stradlater would not tell Jane Gallagher that he had been kicked out of Pencey Prep?

Stradlater does not care enough about Holden’s predicament to even bother to mention it to Jane Gallagher


What does Holden worry about while Jane and Stradlater are out on their date?

  • A) that stradler will drink and drive

  • B) That he won't be able to finish Stradlater's essay on time

  • C) That Stradler will try to take advantage of jane

  • D) That jane will actually liked him

C) That Stradler will try to take advantage of jane


When Stradlater asks Holden to write the composition for him, what does he say regarding the level of quality he wants?

 Stradlater tells Holden not to work too hard on the composition or make it too good. It is necessary only that it be very descriptive.


Why did Holden get in a fight with Stradlater?

Holden was jealous that Stradlater went on a date with Jane. he thought that stradlater had taken advantage of Jane. Holden was also frustrated about the composition.


Why is Holden worried about Jane and her date with Stradlater?

  • A) because he often drinks and drives

  • B) because he views her as a sexual conquest

  • C) because he has another girlfriend

  • D) because he will likely make her pay her own way

B) because he views her as a sexual conquest


Does Holden really dislike Stradlater? How do you know?

He actually is kind of jealous of Stradlater -his looks, his physique, and his attraction to the girls. Holden would really like to be Stradlater's friend. He defends him to Ackley, saying that Stradlater is really a kind person.


Why does Stradlater not like the composition which Holden wrote for him?

Stradlater’s understanding is that the essay should be a description of a room or a house. Holden wrote a description of his brother’s baseball glove.


What does Holden do when Stradlater refuses to tell him what happened with Jane?

  • A) He threatens to tell the headmaster about the use of the car

  • B) he hits him

  • C) he tears up the essay he wrote

  • D) He calls the police

B) he hits him


what do Holden's behaviors as Stradlater prepares for his date suggest about the pair's roles in their relationship?

Holden's behaviors in this chapter place him firmly in the subservient role in his relationship with Stradlater. Holden performs an odd little tap-dance for Stradlater. Holden seems to crave Stradlater's approval, and he gets it. Stradlater presses Holden to write his English composition for him


What is Holden’s reaction to all the blood?and why?

Holden says that he is partly scared and partly fascinated by the blood. Also, he feels that it makes him look tough.


Where do Holden, Ackely, and Mal go after dinner on Saturday night?

  • A) to the library

  • B) movies

  • C) to cruise the strip

  • D) to the dinner

A) to the library


In what ways is and isn't Allie a model of childhood?

Holden's description of Allie captures how an innocent, pure life should look: Allie was "terrifically intelligent." Allie was "the nicest" person in the family. Allie was inventive, figuring out how to keep from being bored at baseball games. Allie seemed to be near when Holden needed him.


Why is Holden so interested in what happened on Stradlater’s date? Do you think his reaction was appropriate?

Holden is concerned that Stradlater may take advantage of Jane Gallagher


What happened to Holden's brother?

  • A) He was killed on the battlefield

  • B) He is serving a life sentence for murder

  • C) He died of leukemia

  • D) He became successful and abandoned his family

A) He was killed on the battlefield
