Yu-Gi-Oh Monsters
Name the Musician
(Stephen Edition)
TV Shows
Fruits and Vegetables
Conspiracy Theories

You'll never use the fourth copy against me!

What is the Blue Eyes White Dragon?

"This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale."


Believer in magic, ogres, and more,

Their tunes are like layers in an onion's core

Who are Smash Mouth?

""All Star" is one of Smash Mouth's most iconic songs and gained widespread popularity as the theme song for the movie "Shrek."


In this TV show, a chemistry teacher turns to cooking methamphetamine after being diagnosed with cancer.

What is "Breaking Bad"?

"Breaking Bad" is often regarded as one of the greatest TV series of all time, praised for its storytelling, character development, and acting."


This tropical fruit is known for its spiky exterior and sweet, tangy flavor.

What is a pineapple?

"Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain, which can aid in digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties."


Some believe that this event, which occurred on July 20, 1969, was staged by the U.S. government.

What is the moon landing?

"Theories often stem from distrust of governments, technological skepticism, and misunderstanding of the complexities of space travel."


Half my lifepoints? That's well worth an attack from this four star insect

What is Jirai Gumo?

"Banish Resonance, Foolish Gokipole, Add Gumo?


Her beats Levitate, she grooves the night, Barbie's presence is a dazzling sight.

Who is Dua Lipa?

"Dua Lipa is an outspoken advocate for women's rights and empowerment, using her platform to address important social issues."


This TV show features a group of friends living in New York City and frequently meeting at Central Perk café.

What is "Friends"?

"The show introduced phrases like "We were on a break!" and "How you doin'?" that have become part of everyday language."


This Cylindrical vegetable is often used in salads, is known for its crunchy texture and refreshing taste.

What is a cucumber?

"Cucumbers are low in calories and a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K and potassium."


This secretive organization is often associated with controlling world events from behind the scenes.

What is the Illuminati?

"The concept of the Illuminati has been popularized in books, movies, and music, contributing to its mystique and allure."


This deceased amphibian is the stepping stone for Royalty

What is Treeborn Frog?

"Thanks to "Treeborn Frog's" ability to come back to the field every turn, you don't have to worry about the Tribute materials for the "Monarchs". "


His songs have voyaged out of this world, but i'd steer clear. At least Beethoven rolls with Over 18

Who is Chuck Berry?

In 1959 Berry was arrested for taking a 14-year-old girl, Janice Escalanti, across state lines for “immoral purposes”


This animated TV show features a dysfunctional family living in the fictional town of Springfield.

What is The Simpsons?

"The Simpsons" holds the title of the longest-running American primetime scripted television series, with over 30 seasons."


Daily Double

Orange is the most common color, of this Vegetable but it can also be found in shades of purple, red, yellow, and white.


Some conspiracy theories suggest that these lines in the sky, often left by airplanes, are not natural

What are chemtrails?

"Implementing a massive and secretive chemtrail program would require the cooperation of countless people and governments, making it highly implausible."


This Fierce critter has good eyes for finding just what you need

What is Sangan?

"Sangan means Three Eyes in Japanese. The OCG name for Sangan is "Critter""


This British Musician is Known for hit songs like "Candle in the wind" and "Rocket Man"

Who Is Elton John?

"Elton John is a vocal advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and co-founded the Elton John AIDS Foundation to support HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness."


This critically acclaimed anime series, known for its complex psychological themes and mecha battles, centers around a group of teenagers piloting biomechanical robots to protect humanity from supernatural threats.

What is "Neon Genesis Evangelion"?

"The original ending of the series left some fans confused and sparked debates. The later release of movies offered alternative conclusions."


This fruit, often yellow or green and known for its distinctive shape, is commonly used for guacamole?

What is an Avocado?

"Avocados are nutrient-dense, containing healthy fats, fiber, potassium, and vitamins like vitamin K, vitamin E, and folate."


This conspiracy theory claims that the our planet contains vast interior space with civilizations thriving beneath its surface.

What is the Hollow Earth Theory?

"The Hollow Earth Theory has influenced pop culture and appeared in films such as Ice Age, Journey to the center of the earth, and How to train your dragon 3"


If you are a Noob Steer clear of this Hungry mammal

What is Des Lacooda?

Des Lacooda is part of a playstyle known as P.A.C.M.A.N "Pure, Advantage, Camel, Munch, All, Noobs"


A Wall Stands Tall and Grand, Animals, echoes, and a division bell, Their name is whispered in music's magical spell.

What is Pink Floyd?

"The song "Another Brick in the Wall" became an anthem against rigid educational systems and authoritarianism."


Daily Double

In the reality TV show "Survivor," the name given to the challenges in which contestants must overcome obstacles, solve puzzles, and complete physical tasks to win rewards or immunity


This small, round fruit is often referred to as a "berry" and comes in varieties like red, green, and black.

What is a Grape?

"Grapes are a key ingredient in wine production, and the characteristics of the grape variety influence the taste of the wine."


This internet-driven conspiracy theory falsely claims that a global network of elites engages in child trafficking and satanic rituals.

What is QAnon?

"QAnon has gained traction on social media platforms, leading to concerns about its potential to spread misinformation and incite violence."
