longest phase of the cell cycle
What is Interphase ?
In what phase do the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell?
What is the result of Mitosis & Cytokinesis
Two Identical Daughter Cells
How often do cells divide?
Depends on the type of cell
3 Reasons why cells undergo Mitosis
growth, repair and reproduction
In what phase do the organelles disperse out into the daughter cells, and the cell prepares for cytokinesis?
Which of the following phases does the cell have TWO nuclei?
What phase is this cell in?
The cell grows and carries out normal activities
What is the G1 phase?
When are chromosomes duplicated?
The cell's chromosomes become visible, the nuclear membrane disappears, and the centrioles move to opposite sides of the cell
What is prophase?
In which phase does the nuclear membrane start to disappear?
What is the sentence I gave you to remember the phases of the cell cycle?
I Play Music At The Clurb
What phase is this cell in?
Sister Chromatids are pulled apart towards opposite sides of the cell
What is a stem cell?
What phase is this cell in?
Cell preparation for division occurs
What is the G2 phase?
what are the 3 stages of the cell cycle
1. Interphase
2. Mitosis
3. Cytokinesis
What are the phases of Mitosis (in order)
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
What holds Sister Chromatids together