What are the three shapes that the church can be built?
Bonus: Why are they built these ways?
1. Cross (Jesus died on the Cross)
2. Circle/Dome (God has no beginning or end just like a circle)
3. Ark (Noah saved his family and the animals from the flood in his ark)
What am I?
The Patten
What is the name of the white tunic that deacons and Abouna wear during liturgy?
A Tonia
What is the first thing you do when you walk into church?
Make the sign of the Cross and bow down before the Sanctuary
Say "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. One God, Amen" in Coptic.
khen efran em efiot, nem epshiri, nem pi epnevma ethoab. enoti enoot. Amen.
Well call the Church a building, but it has other names as well. What is another name we give to the Church?
God's People, The House of God, etc.
What am I?
The Chalice
There are three ranks of a deacon. What are they?
1. Chanter (Psaltos)
2. Reader (Agnostos)
3. Deacon (Diakon)
During liturgy, you see one of your friends sitting down while the Gospel is being read. What should you do?
You should ask him to stand up because the Gospel is being read
Every time Mina comes to church, he sees pictures of saints all over the church. What are these pictures called?
What is the biggest part of the Church called where the people pray during liturgy?
The Nave
During certain prayers, especially before the Gospel is read, you can see Abouna holding a vessel that smoke comes out of. What is this vessel called?
Bonus: What does this vessel represent?
The censer/shoria
Bonus: It represents Saint Mary
Why do diakons, priests, and bishops wear black outside of liturgy?
Black represents their dedication to serving God (dead to the world)
What is the name of the book that has all the readings for liturgy?
Bonus: What is the order of the readings?
Bonus: Pauline Epistle, Catholic Epistle, Acts of the Apostles, Synaxarion, Gosepl
How many Sacraments does the Church have? Which Sacrament do we do every Sunday?
7 Sacraments, Eucharist/Communion
What is the name of the wall that separates the Sanctuary from the rest of the church?
Iconostasis (Wall of Icons)
What is the box in the middle of the altar that holds the cup filled with the Blood?
The Arc
What is 3 called? Who wears it?
A Badrasheel
Only an Agnostos and Diakon can wear a badrasheel
When do we start preparing for Sunday liturgy?
Saturday night with Asheya (Offering of Evening Incense)
How many major feasts of the church are there?
7 major feasts
The part of the Church where Abouna prays the liturgy. The altar table is found here.
The Sanctuary
Why is Abouna the only person that can give communion?
Hint: What can Abouna do that no one else can do?
Abouna is the only one that can touch the Body of Christ. He is also the only one that can pray on the altar during liturgy.
Which vestments do priests wear?
1, 2, 6 & 11
Karas comes to church very excited to see his friend. When he sees his friend, they are talking and playing tag around church, even when the Gospel is being read. What golden rules are they breaking?
Hint: There are 3
No talking in church
No running around in church
Stand still when the Gospel is being read
What Fast are we in right now? How long is it?
Lent, 55 days