probably the most common, and is meant to accomplish three things
Vocal Prayer
This Order’s style of prayer revolves around service to the poor, humility, and simplicity of life/poverty. some of its initials are OFM, OFM.Cap, CFR
The Franciscans
The part the the Mass that is between the readings, it can be sung or recited.
The Responsorial Psalm
This Saint is the patron of grocers, soldiers, doctors, mariners, paratroopers, police, and sickness. His feast day is September 29th.
St. Michael the Archangel
These are the three pillars of Lent
Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving
is more of a gift from God, but can be achived more regularly then the types that follow, characterized by one thing.
This Order‘s style of prayer centers on service to the poorest of the poor, doing small things with great love, and the phrase “I Thirst” said by Christ on the Cross. Its initials are MC
The Missionaries of Charity
The part at the beginning the Mass when we recite or sing praise to God.
The Gloria
This Saint is the patronof bachelors, transportation, traveling, storms, epilepsy, gardeners, holy death, and toothache. His feast day is July 25.
St. Christopher
This is the sacrament people are encouraged to return to during the season of Lent.
also know known as Discursive prayer looks more like a free flow conversation with God. This form is meant to accomplish two things
This Order’s style of prayer revolves around a rule of life, community/fraternity, and is known for its motto “Ora Et Labora.” Some of its initials are OSB, O.Cist, and OCSO.
The Benedictines
This part of the Mass has many forms, but the most common one is lead by the Deacon in three call and response parts.
The Penitential Act
The patron saint of those suffering for nervous and mental afflictions. Her feast day is May 15th.
St. Dymphna
This Gospel passage is what we base the 40 days of Lent off of.
Jesus’ 40 days in the desert.
More then simple exterior silence, this type of prayer is marked by a profound sense of inner peace and stillness. Its one main characteristic is:
This Order’s style of prayer focuses on austerity/asceticism and contemplation. They have also had a large amount of well known spiritual writers. One of their initials are ODC.
The Carmelites
This is the reading that primarily connects to the Gospel, adding context and revealing themes.
The First Reading
This saint is the patron of youth, young women, purity, and victims of assault. Her feast day is July 6th.
St. Maria Goretti
What is the official title of the three final days of Lent, ending at the Easter Vigil.
The Triduum
The final two types of prayer we discussed that get into mystical experiences
Conforming and Transforming Union
A newer Order that focuses on finding ways to integrate the spiritual in to the secular, and using work as a process of sanctification. There are no initials for this Order.
Opus Dei
What the Priest prays at the beginning of Mass when he says ”Let us Pray.”
The Collect
This blessed will be canonized soon, and is the patron of computer programmers and youth. His feast day is October 12th.
Bl. Carlo Acutis
This is the age Catholics become obligated to fast from meat on Fridays