This modern-day prophet was a world-renowned heart surgeon before being called as an apostle.
Russell M. Nelson
This Book of Mormon prophet had a confrontation with the wicked priests of King Noah and escaped into the wilderness.
Every six months, members gather worldwide to watch this event in their pajamas.
General Conference
This prophet was born in Sharon, Vermont
Joseph Smith
In the Bible, this prophet was swallowed by a great fish, proving that running away from your calling doesn’t always work out.
If you forget your scriptures at home, this app will save you.
Gospel Library
This prophet served in the Navy at the end of World Ward II.
Thomas S. Monson
Nephi retrieved the brass plates from this not-so-friendly man
When Bishop Teeples is excited about someone, what will he say or do?
"Come On!"
This prophet was a governor of Utah
Brigham Young
This Book of Mormon king taught that when you’re in the service of your fellow beings, you’re in the service of God.
King Benjamin
This is the ultimate prize for being reverent in Primary, and you might still miss it now.
Candy or Stickers
This Latter-day prophet loved the hymn “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet” and had a famous thumbs-up gesture.
Gordon B. Hinckley
This city had walls so strong that only a shout and some marching could bring them down
This snack, often found at church events, is said to contain "the Spirit"—or at least a lot of butter and sugar.
Funeral Potatoes