In 610 AD, this Arabian merchant had a conversion experience that led to the founding of Islam.
Who is Muhammad?
The Western Roman Empire officially collapsed in this year.
What is 476 AD?
This pope crowned Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor in 800 AD.
Who is Pope Leo III?
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Church gained power by establishing these religious communities that preserved knowledge and converted people.
What are monasteries?
Muhammad and his followers fled to this city in 622 AD to escape persecution in Mecca.
What is Medina?
In 451 AD, this pope condemned the ruling that gave the Church of Constantinople authority over Byzantine churches.
Who is Pope Leo I?
Known as “The Hammer,” this Frankish leader defeated the Muslim forces at the Battle of Tours in 732 AD.
Who is Charles Martel?
The Church filled the leadership void in medieval Europe due to the collapse of this once-powerful empire in 476 AD.
What is the Western Roman Empire?
Islam spread through the Middle East, overtaking these three Christian patriarchates.
What are Jerusalem, Antioch, and Alexandria?
This 800 AD event marked Charlemagne as the most powerful ruler in Europe and strengthened the alliance between the pope and the Frankish kingdom.
What is Charlemagne’s coronation as Holy Roman Emperor?
This Frankish king, crowned in 751 AD, secured papal support and granted land to the pope, creating the Papal States.
Who is Pepin the Short?
This religious tax required people to give one-tenth of their income to support the Church.
What is a tithe?
The weakened state of this empire made it difficult for Christian forces to resist the spread of Islam.
What is the Byzantine Empire?
After Charlemagne’s death in 814 AD, Europe lacked strong central leadership and turned to this decentralized political system.
What is feudalism?
This emperor sought to unify Europe under Christianity and established monasteries and schools to educate clerics.
Who is Charlemagne?
The Church’s power increased as it became the protector of Christian lands and gained political control in the absence of strong secular rulers, a situation known as this.
What is an authority vacuum?
As Muslim armies expanded into Europe, this battle in 732 AD, led by Charles Martel, halted their advance into the Frankish Kingdom.
What is the Battle of Tours?
The rise of monasteries helped preserve Christian teachings, especially through the copying and preservation of these important texts.
What are manuscripts?
Muhammad’s revelations were later compiled into this holy book of Islam.
What is the Qur’an?
In 756 AD, Pepin the Short granted the pope control over this territory, which provided the papacy with wealth and power.
What are the Papal States?