Parts of the System
Parts of Blood
Fun Facts
The arteries are blood vessels through which blood flows away from the heart towards different parts of the body.
What are the arteries?
The blood mainly delivers oxygen to other parts of the body.
What does the blood deliver mainly to other parts of the body?
Blood is made of plasma, RBC's, WBC's and platelets.
What is blood made of ?
An adult’s heart pumps out 6,000 gallons of blood each day.
How many gallons of blood does an adults heart pump each day?
The veins are blood vessels through which deoxygenated blood flows towards the heart and away from different parts of the body. The veins contain muscles to help push the blood towards the heart.
What are the veins?
Pulmonary circulation occurs between the heart and lungs. It is the circulation of oxygen between the heart and lungs.
What type of circulation occurs between the heart and lungs?
In the circulatory system, white blood cells defend against disease and infection.
What do white blood cells do in the circulatory system ?
An average adults heart beats 2 billion times in a lifetime
How many times does an adults heart beat in a lifetime?
The heart pumps blood though the body through four compartments pushing blood through valves and through the aorta and the inferior vena cava.
How does the heart pump blood through the body?
The oxygen in the blood gives the muscles energy to work.
What does the oxygen in the blood give muscles?
Platelets are cells without nuclei and die within nine days. Platelets clot blood and release fibers to help cuts stop bleeding.
What are platelets and what do platelets do ?
In one drop of blood there are 5 million red blood cells, 8,000 white blood cells and 250, 000 platelets.
How many red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets does one drop of blood contain?
The capillaries help transfer nutrients and oxygen to the different parts of the body.
What do the capillaries do in the body?
White blood cells defend the body against disease and infection.
How do white blood cells contribute to the immune system?
Hemoglobin attracts oxygen from the lungs to stick to the red blood cells. It also gives off the CO2 in the blood to be breathed out through the lungs.
What does the hemoglobin in red blood cells do and how does it help pulmonary circulation?
Every day, the heart creates enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles.
About how much energy does a heart produce each day?
The lungs transfer oxygen to the blood through capillaries and take carbon dioxide off the red blood cells to be breathed out.
How do the lungs work in the circulatory system?
Plasma contains anti-bodies and a lot of nutrients to help the white blood cells and the whole of the immune system do their jobs.
What does plasma do to help the immune system?
Plasma is the liquid blood is suspended in and its purpose is to transport nutrients and minerals throughout the body. Plasma is made of mainly water but also contains proteins, glucose, clotting factors, mineral ions, hormones and carbon dioxide.
What is the purpose of plasma and what is it made of ?
If your blood vessels were strung together and measured, they would circle the whole globe 2 and a half times.
If your blood vessels were strung together how long would the total distance be?