Who was the first African American Supreme Court Justice?
Thurgood Marshall
What protest followed Rosa Park's arrest?
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Civil Rights Act of 1964
What event featured MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech?
March on Washington
What does NAACP stand for?
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
What Civil Rights leader organized the March on Washington?
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Black Power Movement
What law protected voting rights for African Americans?
Voting Rights Act of 1965
What was the goal of the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
To end bus segregation
What organization led the Freedom Rides?
CORE (Congress of Racial Equality)
Who co-founded the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party?
Fannie Lou Hamer
What form of protest involved sitting at segregated lunch counters?
Which amendment eliminated poll taxes?
What organization led many legal battles for civil rights?
What civil rights group used a 10-Point Program for Black empowerment?
Who led the NAACP in pushing for the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Roy Wilkins
What did the Freedom Riders protest?
Segregation on interstate buses
What executive order banned discrimination in government jobs?
Executive Order 8802
What was one negative impact of the Interstate Highway System on Black communities?
Displacement of Black Communities
Who co-founded the Black Panther Party?
Huey Newton
Who helped desegregate the military in 1948?
President Harry Truman
Who threatened to march on Washington in 1941 for job equality?
A. Philiip Randolph
What Supreme Court case ended segregation in schools?
Brown v. Board of Education
What group organized freedom Rides and sit-ins?
CORE (Congress of Racial Equality)
What organization was founded in 1942 and played a major role in sit-ins?
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)