Resources, Strategies, Early Battles
African Americans
Life During the War
Turning Points
The War's End & Its Impact
This carnage that resulted from this first battle shocked the nation.
What is First Bull Run?
President Lincoln was pressured by 2 main internal & external forces to "do something about slavery".
What are abolitionists & Europe?
List the effects on industry in the North & South DURING the war.
What is (North - improved) & (South - declined).
Although a W for the Confederates, this battle was a huge loss for the South. Explain the reason & Lee's quote describing the loss.
What is Battle of Chancellorsville, Stonewall Jackson killed by own men, "He may have lost his left arm, but I've lost my right".
Lee was forced to surrender to Grant at this location, for this main reason.
What are Appomatox Court House & ran out of troops?
This is the name of General McClellan's first failed campaign to take Richmond.
What is the Peninsular Campaign?
The 1989 movie Glory immortalized the efforts of this all African American regiment.
What is the 54th Massachusetts Regiment?
List the Congressional act that helped stabilize the Northern economy & what it created.
What is the Legal Tender Act - a common national currency?
Describe Grant's March to Richmond, Confederate actions prior to its evacuation, the significance of this victory.
What are: Siege tactics for 9 months, Confederates set on fire, led to Lee's surrender 5 days later.
List the 10 main events surrounding President Lincoln's assassination.
What are: (1) Ford's Theatre, (2) John Wilkes Booth, (3) Southern sympathizer, (4) plan to take over the government, (5) other conspirators & targets, (6) escaped to VA, (7) hanged, (8) Lincoln died at the Peterson House across the street, the next day, (9) Booth broke his leg, (10) Dr. Mudd set Booth's leg.
Due to this glaring fact, the Confederacy desperately sought foreign support during the war.
What is its many weaknesses?
During the war, many Union generals considered captured African Americans to be like this illegal good.
What is contraband?
List 4 roles that women took on during the war.
What are (1) teaching, (2) nursing, (3) ran farms & businesses, (4) masqueraded as men & fought, (5) cooked & clean in war camps?
After 1863, describe the Union war strategy & 3 main targets, its main leaders & cost to the Union
What is total war-target military, civilian & economic targets, Grant & Sherman, cost thousands of Union troops' lives.
List the main reason the Alexander Stephens walked away from peace negotiations in early 1865 and what it would do.
What is the 13th Amendment, which would abolish slavery?
The 2 parts of the Anaconda Plan its end goal.
What is (1) Blockade the east coast, & (2) Take the Mississippi River. Goal - Cut off Southern income & supplies.
List 4 activities that slaves undertook during the war.
What are (1) Acted as spies & scouts for the Union, (2) Fed Union troops, (3) Formed their own militias, (4) escaped to the North or West.
The North & South were forced to use this method to require men to serve in their armies.
What is conscription?
Battle of Vicksburg: Location, Difficulty in Capturing, Union General, & His Plan of Capture, Significance, Surrender Date
What is High on a cliff, on the water, swampy heavily defended. General Grant 45 days traveled south to LA, crossed the MS River. T Took out Jackson MS, destroyed the RR into VB, used siege tactics for 45 days. VB surrendered on July 4, 1863.
From Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address, give the quote, the future event to which he was referring, and his feelings on the matter.
What is "with malice toward none & charity for all...let us strive to finish the work we are in". Refers to: The eventual rebuilding of the South, Southerners should not be unduly punished.
List 5 Union advantages & 3 Confederate advantages.
What are: Union: (1) Larger population, (2) More industrialized, (3) More coal & iron, (3) More ammunition & supplies, (4) Small navy, (5) Better RR & Medical Care, (6) Established Govt. Confederate: (1) Defending their own territory, (2) Leaders like General Lee, (3) Strong military tradition, (4) Psychological fight for their survival, (5) Defending their territory.
List the main goal of the Emancipation Proclamation, to whom it applied, # of slaves it freed, its main criticism, & its positive effects on the war effort.
What are (1) Free slaves, (2) Only in Southern states, (3) 0 slaves freed, (4) Didn't go far enough (Reps & Abolitionists) & Went too far (Dems), (5) encouraged African Americans to join the war effort & gave Northerners another reason to fight.
List 3 methods used by the North to fund the war.
What are (1) income tax, (2) tariff, & (3) sell bonds.
Gettysburg - Location, Daily Activities, Leaders, Role of MN's 1st Volunteer Regiment, Date & Significance.
What is PA, Day 1 - Lee controlled, but Union on high ground, Day 2 - Union stays high ground, 1st MN bought time w/ 82% casualty rate, Day 3 - 1st MN helps with Pickett's Charge, Union keeps high ground. Day 3 is July 3, 1863-same day as VB surrender. Turning point of the war. Lee never advances North again.
List the war's effect on federal power & states' rights.
What is Federal Power increased & States' Rights were weakened?