Major Conflicts
Domestic events
International Events
Key figures
Major achievements

One of the longest conflicts of the cold war which saw prolonged fighting against Communism in a specific East Asian Country.

What is the Vietnam War?


This foreign policy document passed in America in 1947 is marked by many as the declaration of the Cold War

What is the Truman Doctrine


A conflict that led to the United States sending more troops to Vietnam.

What is the Gulf of Tonkin incident?


Premier of the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death in 1953, and they established the Iron Curtain.

Who is Joseph Stalin?


These Castle Bravo tests saw the unveiling of this thermonuclear weapon.

What is the Hydrogen Bomb?


A war taking place between 1950-1953 which led to a specific East Asian country being divided along the 38th parallel.

What is the Korean War


This was America's reaction to the Soviet Union's launch of the Sputnik 1.

What is the Explorer one?


One of the earliest events of the Cold War saw the USSR strengthening its power in Easterm Europe through spread of communist ideals, the term being coined by Winston Churchill in 1946.

What is the Iron Curtain?


President of North Vietnam and subsequently had a trail named after him.

Who is Ho Chi Minh?


The mission conducted by NASA in 1969 that led to Neil Armstrong being the first human to step foot on the moon.

What is Apollo 11?


This Revolution saw the rise in leadership of Fidel Castro.

What is the Cuban Revolution?


This is a political rally that took place in 1968 that saw a clash between various groups; new aged thinkers and politicians that was widely televised.

What is The 1968 Democratic National Convention.


One of the first international crises of the cold war taking place in Germany

What is the Berlin Blockade


33rd president of the United States during the years 1945-1953.

Who is Harry S. Truman?


A series of discussions between America and the USSR that led to limitations in certain military armaments between 1969 and 1972.

What is the Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty I?


A failed invasion of a country south of America in April of 1961.

What is the Bay of Pigs invasion?


The spread of fear of left wing ideals and persecution of suspected Communists.

What is McCarthyism?

The period of heghtened tensions between America and the Soviet Union in 1962 when American Spy planes saw nuclear warheads on a neighboring country.

What is the Cuban Missle Crisis?


Communist leader in Cuba during the Cuban Missle Crisis.

Who is Fidel Castro?


This important document led to the initial peace and reconstruction in Vietnam in 1973.

What are the Paris Peace Accords?


This is known as the first climactic battle in the Vietnam War between the French and the Viet Minh.

What is the battle of Dien Bien Phu?


Presidential elect to win during the election of 1960.

Who is John F. Kennedy?


Reformation policies passed by Gorbachev which emphasized 'openness' and 'transparency.'

What is Glasnost and Perestroika?


Served as the President of the United States from 1969-1974 until his resignation after the Watergate Scandal.

Who is Richard Nixon?


This event in Germany, 1989 which led to millions of people being reunited and showed the beginning of the end of the cold war.

What is the fall of the Berlin Wall?
