What two nations emerged as superpowers after WWII?
United States and Soviet Union
Who coined the term "Iron Curtain?"
Winston Churchill
______ was an American diplomat and leading authority on the Soviet Union.
George F. Kennan
What Asian country controlled or conquered Korea during WWII?
The Korean War
American general who had a bold plan to drive North Korea out South Korea.
Douglas MacArthur
The United States embraced ______________ during the Cold War , its citizens believe in free elections, economic and religious freedom and private property. ( Two Words Answer)
Capitalist Democracy
Became a symbol of the divide between Eastern Europe controlled by the Soviet Union and Western Europe which embraced capitalism and democracy.
Iron Curtain
______ was an American policy which goal was to keep communism continued within its existing borders.
Who was the nationalist leader of China that was supported by the United States during the Chinese Civil War?
Jiang Jieshi
The Korean War
Douglass MacArthur wanted to invade what neighboring country of North Korea
This was a 46 year struggle between two superpower in which they never faced each other directly in a "hot" military battle.
Cold War
This American policy promised to aid nations struggling against communism.
Truman Doctrine
Approved by the American congress in 1948 that provided billions of dollars tow Western Europe, aid was also offered to Eastern Europe but Stalin refused.
Marshall Plan
Who was the communist leader that was supported by the Soviet Union during the Chinese Civil War?
Mao Zedong
The Korean War
President Truman policy of fighting to achieve only specific goals.
Limited War
Eastern European Countries that were under the control of the Soviet Union were called _________.
satellite states
Describe life in a Communist Society.
No Free Elections, government monitors and controls all aspects of society.
What happened to Germany after WWII?
It was divided into two countries, East Germany (Communist) West Germany ( Capitalist and Democratic)
Korea was divided into two countries along this parallel.
This organization provided a military alliance against the Soviet Union.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
The Soviet Union sought to spread ____________ throughout the world.
In 1948 the United States and Britain supplied West Berlin with food, fuel, medical supplies, clothes and toys in what become known as the ______.
Berlin Airlift
What title did George C. Marshall hold in the American government?
Secretary of State
What event led to the Korean War?
Communist North Korea invaded South Korea.
An alliance made up of communists states of Eastern Europe that rivaled NATO.
Warsaw Pact