United States and the Soviet Union
The Truman Doctrine
The Marshall Plan
The Berlin Airlift
The Cuban Missile Crisis
Harry S Truman
Who was the leader of the United States at the start of the Cold War?
President Harry S Truman
What is the name of the president who enacted "The Truman Doctrine"?
The US secretary of state, George Marshall
Who enacted the Marshall Plan?
The Berlin Airlift was basically a giant supply drop into the 3 Allied occupied zones by the Germans
What is the Berlin Airlift?
90 Miles
How far away is Cuba from the United States?
Joseph Stalin
Who was the leader of the Soviet Union at the start of the Cold War?
The Truman Doctrine was a very simple warning clearly made to the USSR. The Truman Doctrine basically stated the the United States would come to the aid of any countries in Europe under attack.
What is the Truman Doctrine?
The Marshall Plan is also known as The European Recovery Plan
What is the other name for the Marshall Plan?
Great Britain and The United States (Americans or US)
What are the names of the countrys that flew supplies into western Berlin?
Fidel Castro
Who was the leader of Cuba until 2006 after handing power over to his brother, Raul?
The Cuban Missile Crisis. The missile crisis lasted from October 16th, 1962 to October 28th, 1962.
What is the event which nearly drove the United States and the Soviet Union to nuclear war? How long did it last?
Germany and The Soviet Union( USSR )
What are the names of 2 of the countries the Truman Doctrine affected?
Congress knew the Soviet's leader, Joseph Stalin, would never accept any such offer from the United States.
Why was congress unlikely to even bother mentioning the Marshall Plan to the Soviet Union?
The Soviets(USSR) had cut off all ways of getting into Berlin. The airlift was need to keep the people within Berlin safe and alive.
What was the cause of the Berlin Airlift?
The United States(US), USSR(Soviet Russia) and Cuba
Name the 3 countries who were involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cold War was the name given to the conflict which occurred after World War Two between the United States and the USSR(Soviet Russia)
What is the Cold War?
The US Foreign Policy
What is the name of the major policy the Truman Doctrine would later affect?
The Truman Doctrine was a WARNING made to the USSR. The Marshall Plan was a plan meant to HELP the USSR and other European countries.
Name 2 differences between the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan
During this time, Berlin was split into 4 allied controlled zones. 1 belonging to the Soviets, and 3 to the US, Germany and Britain. The Soviets were trying to "Starve" the other countries out of Berlin. Hoping doing this would allow them to control the entire country.
Why did the Soviets close all ways of getting into Berlin?
The US flew spy planes over Cuba, which detected several missile bases. The bases contained hundreds of missiles armed with nuclear warheads.
How did the United States find out about the missiles in Cuba?
The USSR was dealing with Cuba. The USSR was importing nuclear missiles into Cuba, which being only 90 miles from the coast of Florida, posed a massive threat to the national security of the United States.
Why was the Cuban Missile Crisis such a big deal?
President Harry S Truman stated to the USSR, the United States would come to the aid of any European country under attack over the radio.
How was the Truman Doctrine broadcasted?
Established during Truman’s presidency. Meant to save or help struggling European countries.
Name 2 similarities between the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan
The United States and Britain sent a massive number of large cargo planes over Berlin, while dropping supplies into the country 24 hours a day.
How did the United States and Britain get these supplies into Germany?
President John F Kennedy
Who was the president of the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis?