What year was Jeopardy first aired?
What is 1964
How fast can a hummingbird dive?
What is around 60 mph
How did people preserve meat in the Middle Ages?
What is Salt
Who was the first black woman in space?
What is Mae Jemison
What bird lays eggs in another birds nest?
What is a Cuckoo
What sitcom did Queen Latifah star in?
What is Living single
What is the biggest turtle in the world?
What is the Leatherback sea turtle
What fruit is Michigan known for?
What are Cherries
What President served 3 terms?
What is Franklin D Roosevelt
What is the original name of MT Rushmore?
What is Tunkasila Sakpe Paha or Six Grandfathers Mountain
What game show was Rodney Alcala on?
What is 'The Dating Game'
How long is an Elephant pregnant for?
What is around 18-22 months
What two fruits created the lemon?
What is Citron and Bitter orange
Who created frosted flakes?
What is John Kellogg
What edible fungus is grown on corn?
What is the longest running Game show?
What is 'The Price Is Right'.
What sea creature can boil water with a punch?
What is Mantis Shrimp
What country did Hawaiian pizza originate?
What is Canada
Who are the only indigenous people in Europe?
What is the Sami people
How many people were killed in the Salem Witch trials?
What is 19
What show is character Sheneneh Jenkins from?
What is 'Martin'
How many brains does an octopus have?
What is 9
What food did the Mayans use as currency?
What is Chocolate
Who was the last queen of Hawaii?
What is Queen Liliuokalani
Why are Mummies almost extinct?
What is they were ground up for paint and medicine.