Family History
Family Life
What race was James McBride?
Bi- Racial or Black and White
Who is Helen? What did she do? (3 specific things)
Helen is one of James sister. She dropped out of school because she believed the education she was receiving was racist, got a nursing degree, got pregnant, ran away to Jack and then lived with a hippie. 
What two boroughs of NYC does the story take place?
Brooklyn and Queens. 
Why did James believe he was adopted?
Because his older brothers tricked him. He was young and confused about race so when he would ask questions, they told him he was adopted. 
What religion was Ruth's family?
What race was Ruth McBride? 
Describe Dennis McBride. 

He is an excellent student. He became a doctor. His mother used him as an example for his siblings. He also participated in the civil rights movement. 

What would Ruth McBride do in her neighborhood that embarrassed her children? Why did it embarrass them? 
She would ride her old bike. It embarrassed them because she was an old white lady riding an old bike in an all black neighborhood. 
How would you describe James McBride's family life? 2 things specifically
Chaotic, poor, loving, strict. 
What was Tateh's job?
A rabbi
What is race?
A social construct. 
How did Ruth feel about death as a child? Why?
Ruth was scared of death because when her grandfather Zaydeh died, it was like he was there one day and gone the next. She was afraid he might still be alive; buried alive. 
How did the Black Panthers affect James McBride's neighborhood growing up?
The Black Panthers and talk of the Revolution permeated his neighborhood. People were fascinated with the BPP, with music that discussed the revolution and the African American flag. 
Where did Ruth send James to live after he began going down a bad path? (After Hunter Jordan died) Name the person he stayed with and the place! 
Jack in Louisville, Kentucky
Why does Ruth convert to Christianity? 
Judaism had too many rules. 
Why did Ruth McBride get upset when teachers would ask if James was adopted? 
Because he looked different from her but was still her son, she didn't care about race, it was rude. 
Who would Ruth stay with when she went to New York? How did they treat her? 
She stayed with Aunt Laura, Aunt Mary or Bubeh. Both of her Aunts treated her poorly( boss her around and treat her as less than to their own kids). Bubeh was kind. 
What happened to Chicken Man? Why was he important to James?
He was killed after getting into an argument with a woman. He was important because he was James favorite local man, but also he was trying to tell James to steer clear of the streets. He gave James important lessons from the times he was with him. 
Who is Big Richard? Why do you think James McBride looked up to Big Richard so much? 
He is Jack's husband. He looked up to him because he was cool, street smart and taught James new lessons in life. He had strong intuition
What is one thing Ruth would do in church that would shock James? Why did she say she did it? What did James think?
She would cry. She said because "God makes me happy" But James would see the pain. 
How did James view his race at first? Once he got older?
At first he viewed himself as more black due to his surroundings etc. However as he got older he saw himself as both proudly black and white. 
Describe Ruth's relationship with Tateh. Why was it it this way?

Describe Ruth's relationship with Mameh. Why was it this way?

She did not like Tateh. He was mean, strict, overworked them, was mean to Mameh and sexually assaulted Ruth. 

Mameh was kind and sweet and nurturing. Ruth loved her Mameh. 

How did James neighborhood affect his own perception about race? 
His neighborhood was black, so he saw that as being normal. He would have so many questions because Ruth looked so different from everyone else he was seeing. He began to feel that his mother wasn't safe in their neighborhood because of how different she was. 
Why do you think Aunt Jack would let James go out on the corner with Big Richard even though he was sent there due to his bad behavior. 
She wanted him to see for himself what could happen if he wanted to always be on the street. 
Why did Tateh always have to leave town?
He was a horrible rabbi. 