
Comment dit on "Afrique du Sud" en anglais?

South Africa


How many capitals are there in South Africa?



Conjugue le verbe "be" au présent correctement dans cette phrase:

"Nelson Mandela (be) the first black president of South Africa"

Nelson Mandela is the first black president of South Africa.


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"Apartheid was a system of racial segregation enforced through legislation by the National Party (NP) governments of South Africa. In this system, which lasted from 1948 to 1994, the rights of the majority black inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and white supremacy and Afrikaner minority rule was maintained. South West Africans were also victims of apartheid as this country was administered by South Africa under a League of Nations mandate until it gained independence as Namibia in 1990.

Apartheid as an official policy was introduced following the general election of 1948. New legislation classified inhabitants into four racial groups ("native", "white", "coloured", and "Asian"), and residential areas were segregated, sometimes by means of forced removals. Non-white political representation was completely abolished in 1970, and starting in that year black people were deprived of their citizenship. The government segregated education, medical care, beaches, and other public services, and provided black people with services inferior to those of white people.

Apartheid sparked significant internal resistance and violence as well as a long arms and trade embargo against South Africa. In addition to the unrest resulting from the internal protests, the sanctions placed on South Africa by the West made it increasingly difficult for the government to maintain the regime. In 1990 President Frederik Willem de Klerk began negotiations to end apartheid, culminating in multi-racial democratic elections in 1994, which were won by the African National Congress under Nelson Mandela.

Source: Wikipedia"

Présente le document!

Le document est un présentation et ça parle de l'Apartheid. Ca se passe en Afrique du Sud et le document provient de Wikipédia. 


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Présente le document!

Le document est une présentation et il s'intitule "The Soweto Riots". Ca se passe en Afrique du Sud et ça parle des révoltes de Soweto. C'est une femme qui parle. 


Comment appelle-t-on les 10 zones où les Noirs ont été envoyés en Afrique du Sud durant l'Apartheid?

the Homelands


Name three languages that are spoken in South Africa!

Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans, English, North Sotho, Tswana, South Sotho, Tsonga, Swati, Venda and Ndébélé


Conjugue le verbe "be" au présent correctement dans cette phrase:

"There (be) a lot of inequalities in South Africa."

There are a lot of inequalities in South Africa.


Lis ce texte et répond à la question:

"Apartheid was a system of racial segregation enforced through legislation by the National Party (NP) governments of South Africa. In this system, which lasted from 1948 to 1994, the rights of the majority black inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and white supremacy and Afrikaner minority rule was maintained. South West Africans were also victims of apartheid as this country was administered by South Africa under a League of Nations mandate until it gained independence as Namibia in 1990.

Apartheid as an official policy was introduced following the general election of 1948. New legislation classified inhabitants into four racial groups ("native", "white", "coloured", and "Asian"), and residential areas were segregated, sometimes by means of forced removals. Non-white political representation was completely abolished in 1970, and starting in that year black people were deprived of their citizenship. The government segregated education, medical care, beaches, and other public services, and provided black people with services inferior to those of white people.

Apartheid sparked significant internal resistance and violence as well as a long arms and trade embargo against South Africa. In addition to the unrest resulting from the internal protests, the sanctions placed on South Africa by the West made it increasingly difficult for the government to maintain the regime. In 1990 President Frederik Willem de Klerk began negotiations to end apartheid, culminating in multi-racial democratic elections in 1994, which were won by the African National Congress under Nelson Mandela.

Source: Wikipedia"

Qui a mis en place le régime de l'Apartheid?

Le National Party et la minorité blanche sudafricaine.


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Qu'est-ce que Soweto?

Soweto est un groupe de townships où vivent les Noirs pauvres. Ca se situe au Sud-Est de Johannesburg. 

Quel est le nom donné aux bidonvilles en Afrique du Sud en anglais?

The Townships


Who was the first black president of South Africa?

Nelson Mandela


Conjugue le verbe "start" au prétérit correctement dans la phrase suivante:

"The Apartheid (start) in 1948."

The Apartheid started in 1948.


Lis ce texte et répond à la question:

"Apartheid was a system of racial segregation enforced through legislation by the National Party (NP) governments of South Africa. In this system, which lasted from 1948 to 1994, the rights of the majority black inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and white supremacy and Afrikaner minority rule was maintained. South West Africans were also victims of apartheid as this country was administered by South Africa under a League of Nations mandate until it gained independence as Namibia in 1990.

Apartheid as an official policy was introduced following the general election of 1948. New legislation classified inhabitants into four racial groups ("native", "white", "coloured", and "Asian"), and residential areas were segregated, sometimes by means of forced removals. Non-white political representation was completely abolished in 1970, and starting in that year black people were deprived of their citizenship. The government segregated education, medical care, beaches, and other public services, and provided black people with services inferior to those of white people.

Apartheid sparked significant internal resistance and violence as well as a long arms and trade embargo against South Africa. In addition to the unrest resulting from the internal protests, the sanctions placed on South Africa by the West made it increasingly difficult for the government to maintain the regime. In 1990 President Frederik Willem de Klerk began negotiations to end apartheid, culminating in multi-racial democratic elections in 1994, which were won by the African National Congress under Nelson Mandela.

Source: Wikipedia"

Après quoi l'Apartheid a-t-elle été mise en place?

Après l'élection générale de 1948


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Pourquoi est-ce que Soweto est devenu célèbre en juin 1976?

A cause des révoltes étudiantes qui y ont eu lieu et qui ont mené à de violentes rencontres avec la police.


Que signifie le mot "Apartheid" en Afrikaans? 



What is the name of the resort that created a scandal in the 1970's?

Sun City


Conjugue le verbe "be" au prétérit correctement dans la phrase suivante:

"The South Africans (be) happy to reunite after the Apartheid."

The South Africans were happy to reunite after the Apartheid. 


Lis ce texte et répond à la question:

"Apartheid was a system of racial segregation enforced through legislation by the National Party (NP) governments of South Africa. In this system, which lasted from 1948 to 1994, the rights of the majority black inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and white supremacy and Afrikaner minority rule was maintained. South West Africans were also victims of apartheid as this country was administered by South Africa under a League of Nations mandate until it gained independence as Namibia in 1990.

Apartheid as an official policy was introduced following the general election of 1948. New legislation classified inhabitants into four racial groups ("native", "white", "coloured", and "Asian"), and residential areas were segregated, sometimes by means of forced removals. Non-white political representation was completely abolished in 1970, and starting in that year black people were deprived of their citizenship. The government segregated education, medical care, beaches, and other public services, and provided black people with services inferior to those of white people.

Apartheid sparked significant internal resistance and violence as well as a long arms and trade embargo against South Africa. In addition to the unrest resulting from the internal protests, the sanctions placed on South Africa by the West made it increasingly difficult for the government to maintain the regime. In 1990 President Frederik Willem de Klerk began negotiations to end apartheid, culminating in multi-racial democratic elections in 1994, which were won by the African National Congress under Nelson Mandela.

Source: Wikipedia"

Qu'est-ce qui fut aboli en 1970 en Afrique du Sud? 

La représentation des Noirs au gouvernement. A partir de cette année, les Noirs ont été privés de leur citoyenneté. 


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Pourquoi les jeunes se sont-ils rebellés? 

Ils se sont rebellés contre la décision du gouvernement de leur enseigner en Afrikaans, la langue des blancs suprématistes. 


Quel est le nom de la journée de célébration de la culture sudafricaine? 

Heritage Day


Name three examples of Apartheid laws!

- Black people had to carry an ID at all time

- They had to respect a strict curfew

- Public buildings were separated

- interracial marriages were forbidden

- People were separated into 4 groups based on their skin colour

- Black people were sent to homelands


Traduis cette phrase en anglais:

"Je ne jouerai pas à Sun City!"

I will not play at Sun City.

I am not going to play at Sun City.

I ain't gonna play at Sun City.


Lis ce texte et répond à la question:

"Apartheid was a system of racial segregation enforced through legislation by the National Party (NP) governments of South Africa. In this system, which lasted from 1948 to 1994, the rights of the majority black inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and white supremacy and Afrikaner minority rule was maintained. South West Africans were also victims of apartheid as this country was administered by South Africa under a League of Nations mandate until it gained independence as Namibia in 1990.

Apartheid as an official policy was introduced following the general election of 1948. New legislation classified inhabitants into four racial groups ("native", "white", "coloured", and "Asian"), and residential areas were segregated, sometimes by means of forced removals. Non-white political representation was completely abolished in 1970, and starting in that year black people were deprived of their citizenship. The government segregated education, medical care, beaches, and other public services, and provided black people with services inferior to those of white people.

Apartheid sparked significant internal resistance and violence as well as a long arms and trade embargo against South Africa. In addition to the unrest resulting from the internal protests, the sanctions placed on South Africa by the West made it increasingly difficult for the government to maintain the regime. In 1990 President Frederik Willem de Klerk began negotiations to end apartheid, culminating in multi-racial democratic elections in 1994, which were won by the African National Congress under Nelson Mandela.

Source: Wikipedia"

Quelle a été la réponse internationale apportée contre l'Apartheid?

Les autres pays ont exercé une pression sur l'Afrique du Sud et ont imposé un embargo sur les produits sudafricains. 


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Quel a été le bilan humain des révoltes de Soweto?

Il y eut plus de 400 morts, et beaucoup plus de gens arrêtés et envoyés dans les homelands.
