Where did Jeanne Mammen study art?
Paris, Brussels, Rome
Which art movement is Jeanne Mammen mainly considered to be a part of?
Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) movement
What is the cafe that Mammen drew inspiration from?
Café des Westens
What was Jeanne Mammen's job before gaining popularity as an artist?
Illustrator for fashion and satirical magazines
What type of gaze or view did Jeanne Mammen's art protest?
The voyeuristic view / male gaze
Who is one of Jeanne Mammen's fellow new objectivity artist that critiqued social and gender roles?
Otto Dix
What year did Jeanne Mammen pass away?
What was Jeanne Mammen's depiction of heterosexual relationships?
She was critical of them
Who is an artist that contrasted Mammen’s work by depicting women with a male gaze?
Christian Schad